Is the Love of Money Really the Root of all Evil?

Is the Love of Money Really the Root of all Evil?

It has been said that, "The love of money is the root of all evil."

My question today is: If we can't love money, then how should we feel about money?

What’s the appropriate emotion we should feel towards money?

I don't have an answer. I’m genuinely interested in hearing your thoughts and taking the discussion further.

I’ve reflected deeply on the question about the love of money being the root of all evil and I come up with more questions:

1) Why is it wrong to love money?

2) Can the love of money really lead to the corruption of a soul? 

3) Does loving money make us servants to money and will that suddenly make money our God?

4) Does love lead to servitude?

What makes us think that when we love money we serve money and money becomes a God to us?

Is it possible to love a thing and not make it God?

Maybe the issue is how to perceive love and servitude 

When we think of loving money, we think of serving money and don't see freedom. We don't see ourselves as our own masters.

We don't see ourselves as Divinity, as God incarnate, so we create other Gods instead of bowing to the Divine within us.

This is a #GodWound and that is a different trauma. Until we heal it, we will always be scared to fully love.

Or maybe we fear ourselves and we project that fear onto money 

If money can corrupt us, then maybe we were always corruptible.

The real fear isn't money and the evils of money, maybe the real fear is who we will become once we have money, because deep down we don't trust ourselves.

And we don't trust ourselves with money.

That isn't a money problem, that’s a problem with how we relate with ourselves. 

Avoiding the things that will corrupt us doesn't make us incorruptible, it just makes us good at avoiding things.

I suspect that the measure of our own incorruptibility is to be in the midst of the thing that is said to corrupt us and still do what we deem right and virtuous and be able to walk away and leave it behind.

After all we always have a choice - it's not like money ties us down and forces us to be evil. 

Maybe what we fear is our own capacity for evil? Our own shadows?

What are your thoughts?

I don't have the answers. My job is to ask questions so we start deconstructing our relationship with money. 

 Until we resolve how we truly feel about money,  it will be difficult for us to heal our relationship with money. At the core of our deep issues with money, is our relationship with the Divine and our own inability to see ourselves as Divinity.

This is part of the work we do in the #MoneyMagic course; if you’re ready to start healing your relationship with money, then I want to invite you to check out the course at this link:

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