Why Having/Making Money has Nothing to do with Being High Vibe

Why Having/Making Money has Nothing to do with Being High Vibe

One day we will have to have a deep conversation about this new age spiritual idea that people with money are high vibrational or high consciousness.

This assumption that people on a high frequency are the ones who get money is very dangerous.

Many dictators are wealthy.

Most so called first work countries have made their wealth by colonizing entire nations,

Some Nazis were wealthy.

These people/countries were/are not high frequency or "high vibe" and to boil money down as just a spiritual concept is dangerous.

It assumes that all people that are poor are not spiritual enough or don't have the "right mindset."

It excuses systems of oppression and blames the oppressed.

The truth is: there are poor people who are super conscious and are so-called high vibe and there are wealthy people who are also conscious.

There are wealthy people who are not that conscious and there are poor people who are not that conscious.

Money is not a measure of how blessed or loved we are by the Divine.

Nor is it a measure of how high vibrational and how well we use the law of attraction because there are other universal laws at play.

The law of attraction is just one law and maybe your good fortune is not due to the law of attraction at all but the law of karma and you are just reaping good karma.

Or maybe your wealth is directly tied to your privilege, this definitely gives some people an upper hand, and ironically many people that equate having money with being high vibe are privileged folks (let me breathe).

Trauma can also impact our good karma because karma is the cumulation of thoughts, words and deeds, so if our thoughts, words and deeds are being affected by trauma then that has its own issues.

Even if we have good karma and opportunities come our way, if we are dealing with intense trauma and crippled by anxiety or fears of rejection, those fears will make it hard for us to take advantage of those opportunities.

Or maybe your soul is bound by a soul/ancestral contract and affirmations and visualizations can’t seem to override that.

There are soo many reasons why we may be struggling financially and to make a blanket assumption like high vibe is dangerous.

Truth is there are a lot of things that affect money and to just subscribe to this idea that you just have to change your thinking about money and think beautiful positive thoughts and then you will be wealthy, comes from a space of privilege. 

Money is also very much an earthly thing and our personal finances are very much affected by other earthly ish like:

  •  Inherited wealth

  •  White privilege

  •  Institutional racism

  •  Patriarchy

  •  Classism and class mobility 

  •  Country of birth

  •  Social status during your upbringing 

  •  Religious upbringing

  •  Access to basic resources like education (affected by soo much) 

  •  Social networks (often determined by class)

  •  Ancestral history of colonization

  •  Ancestral history of slavery

  •  Ancestral history of apartheid etc. 

All these earthly things have affected and continue to affect our existence and lead to deep trauma we store in our bodies.

A lot of these things make it harder for most of us to actually make money or save money.

These are not excuses - many behavioral economists have proven that these structural impediments actually affect us. 

For example racial trauma can affect how we interact with money because it affects how we see ourselves in this world, how we occupy space, how we negotiate prices/real estate, which also affects the amount of money we make and accumulate and eventually leave for our children.

I will repeat again: money is energy and spiritual and emotional BUT money is also very very earthly. It is affected by earthly structures and things.

A person's money circumstance is not a measure of how blessed or cursed they are by the Divine/the universe or how "high vibe" they are, nor is it a sign of so-called "generational curses."

PS: I really hate the term: high vibe. That ish don't even make sense. You are human, you can't just be high and happy all the time. Let's make feeling all our emotions a natural thing please.

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