All in Relationship dynamics and money

The Link Between Vicarious Trauma, Abuse and Vows of Loyalty

One day we’ll have to sit down for a full day and unpack vicarious trauma and how most children who grow up seeing mothers being abused by fathers, fathers being abused by mothers or parents being abused by other family members financially, emotionally, mentally and physically grow up with deep vows of loyalty to the parent (s) who were abused.

When we Heal Ourselves, we Heal Our Bloodline

In one of our coaching sessions, this client had this deep aha that actually she was the block to her mom living her best life and that if she just focused on healing her traumas she could start to change how she reacted with money where her mom was concerned, which would probably free her mom and others in her family to go live their best life.

How do you Feel About Talking About Money Openly with Friends and Family?

I love how in the #MoneyMagic student group we actively debate banks and investments we like and hate and give reasons why we feel the way we do.

A while back we got into a heated debate about business banking and which bank is best in South Africa for banking and receiving international payments and I actually learned a lot from people’s comments.