How Workplace Trauma Affects our Relationship with Money

How Workplace Trauma Affects our Relationship with Money

One day we need to unpack what South Africa is doing to young Black people in the workplace and how this is adding to money trauma.

There's this dangerous narrative that tells us that we should be grateful for whatever little bit we earn because others don't have jobs.

Are White people in South Africa being asked to have this same gratitude? 

And then there's the part where we’re made to earn less and work ourselves to the bone before we can earn the same amount as our white counterparts.

And let's not forget how some Black people are made to train these white counterparts and those same people they trained will be promoted to be their managers.

But let's be grateful for whatever little bit we earn. Right? 

This constant proving of ourselves actually presupposes that we are not enough and that we somehow cannot do the work we are hired for because of the color of our skin

This then triggers all our ancestral not good enough wounds - all those traumas and injustices that our ancestors suffered at the hands of Wypipo and all the ways they had to work themselves to the bone to prove that they were not lazy and to survive the man's guns and violence.

Those wounded parts of us then take over, the spirit fragments itself in order to survive the lies it is being forced to swallow and we start operating from survival mode and we literally stay stuck financially. 

When our not good enough wounds are triggered we go into overdoing and overworking.

This is why it is so hard for Black people to rest. 

We even say damaging things like: "We need to work twice as hard to get half of what they have."

In which holy book is it written that Black people must work twice hard to have half the rewards?

In which holy book is it written that White people get to work less for more rewards?

Part of the trauma of racial oppression is the way the system messed/messes with our psyche and makes us forget our own divinity and makes us feel like there is only one way to live or make money or succeed.

We are being taught to override our soul and body wisdom and are told that it is being practical - that proving ourselves is how we thrive.

The biggest lie we've been told is that the only way to make money is within the system 

If this is true - why does it feel like death when we do work within this system? Why does proving ourselves exhaust us so much? 

This is a deep #GodWound (don't bother Googling it's a lesson in the #MoneyMagic course).

We have the choice to say no to systems and spaces that don't honor us. 

To honor ourselves, is to honor the Divine/God because the Divine is us, it is not outside of us. 

This is why I don't understand how we can talk about healing ancestral money trauma without talking about racism and patriarchy.

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