How to go from 1 property to 74 property deals<br/> — Wealthy Money Blog
How to go from 1 property to 74 property deals

How to go from 1 property to 74 property deals


In episode 11, we interview Carlo Mariani, the founder of

Carlo coaches people, mainly women of color, on how to achieve financial freedom by building property portfolios.

In this episode he shares with us his personal journey on how he was able to go from 1 property to 74 property deals by changing his mindset, getting mentors and changing his perception of debt.

Carlo shares how he came from a middle class family where he was taught to focus on paying off his mortgage.

This strategy served him well, until it no longer did. So in 2007, he changed his entire view of debt and went from 54% geared to over 90% geared and used that debt to buy 10 properties on 1 block, close to the Gautrain.

When Carlo lived in London, he learned that property that was within a 10 minute walk of the tube, was always in demand. A lesson that has served him well as a property investor.

Carlo is a coach so this episode is literally a property coaching session in a podcast and you want to grab a pen and paper as you listen.

You can contact Carlo at:

Join Carl's Property Hackers Club by clicking on this link:

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