How to make R35, 000 per month from 1 property in the township — Wealthy Money Blog
How to make R35, 000 per month from 1 property in the township

How to make R35, 000 per month from 1 property in the township


In episode 15, we interview Sandile Hogana who works as exec for a company called Private Property and is also a property investor.

Sandile is focused on building high end multilets in low income areas, in particular Turffontein.

He started his property investment journey by investing with friends in a pooled fund and then branched out on his own and bought a 3 bedroom property that he converted into a multi let in Turffontein.

Before investing in his first property, he spent 3 months doing his due diligence, mapping out his vision and then laying out his action steps.

He made sure that his property was different from any of the other surrounding properties - it has security, built in cupboards, privacy, care taker and will soon have shared DSTV.

Because of the design and value adds, he is able to rent this property for R2, 500 - R4, 500 per unit and is currently cashflowing at R35, 000 (US$2,350) per month from his first property.

If these figures get you excited, then you definitely need to listen to this podcast and learn how Sandile pulled all this off.

You can contact Sandile at:


Twitter: @SandileHogana

Linkedin: Sandile Hogana

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