How Can I Think of Wealth Creation When I'm Totally Broke?
How can I think wealth creation or debt repayment when I have no money coming into my life and I am totally broke?
I often get asked this question.
I get you!
Trust me, I have been there so I want to share a story with you.
In 2011, I was totally broke and done for. A friend of mine introduced me to a coach, Jo Ntsebeza (she’s one of the many witnesses to this journey) and I asked her to coach me.
I used the very little I had to pay her instead of paying my debt because I was on the brink of ending my life but there was a part of me that wanted to make a last effort.
Also, I had gone to a vipassana meditation retreat, that helped me see that my emotions were playing havoc on my life.
When your back is against the wall - get still, go within and then take action
When I started coaching, I expected Jo to give me a list of ideas on how to make money. I was desperate and I wanted to know what actions I could take right now to change my life.
I had zero source of income and Jo's suggestion to me was: forget everything, forget about the money, forget about the debt and spend the next week just questioning my thoughts and dealing with my emotions (she gave me the tools in the coaching session).
She also told me to create a budget for my life, a budget that I felt comfortable with, based on an imaginary income I wanted to earn.
I was doubtful about how this would help me, but I was in a bad place and desperate with no hope, so I figured "whatever lets see".
I spent 12 hours a day in that week just doing the inner work and something weird happened - I wasn't working or advertising but financial opportunities came to me and found me.
The insane thing is I started earning the amounts on the budget (they weren't big amounts because I was still doubting money and scared of it). I also started using money the way I’d written down on that budget.
It was like by doing the work and creating the budget, I activated something in the universe and within the highest consciousness of myself.
I did inner work and mindset work for 8 hours a day for 6 months, ended up researching the Heart, Mind & Money book and even created my own money exercises and meditations, that I now teach.
We change our lives from the inside out
When we change the way we think and feel about money and take action at the same time, the figure in our bank account will also shift eventually.
My suggestion is stop waiting for the money to get into your account before you create the debt repayment plan, saving, investing or start building the dream, start by healing your relationship with money and changing your perception of money, so when the money does show up, you’re ready for it.
Prepare for your own success, and live as though it is guaranteed and not a possibility or question.
This is what I tell people when they ask how I afford to travel so much.
To be honest, I often don't have the budget for half the travels I undertake (and I also have no credit card so I pay cash for everything), but I plan my life and live it as though the budget is there, then I start packing, giving away things etc.
Basically, I give myself no plan B and my mind and entire energy focuses on moving in that chosen direction.
And then I set a monthly income goal and create a clearly defined strategy on how to increase income start generating that money.
I’ve been known to end leases in certain countries and rock up at the airport with no plane ticket but a definite knowing that there will be a flight and a plane ticket at a ridiculous discount waiting for me.
Again I only pull such stunts when I am emotionally aligned and not ruled by fear or anger. This is where the work becomes super important.
What are your thoughts about focusing on the inner work in order to start shifting your finances?
Share your insights in the comments section below.
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