Using shipping container homes to solve the housing crisis and build a property portfolio — Wealthy Money Blog
Using shipping container homes to solve the Housing Crisis and build a Property Portfolio

Using shipping container homes to solve the Housing Crisis and build a Property Portfolio

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In this week's podcast we talk to Wandile Moganedi, the founder of Smart Living Properties, a company that repurposes shipping containers for various buildings:

🩸Accommodation Units

🩸Offices/ Business Hubs

🩸School Sanitation/ Ablution facilities 


🩸Shopping/ Retail Store

In this podcast we talk about why shipping containers are becoming such a popular building option globally:

🌟 They solve an environmental issue because you are reusing shipping containers

🌟 They are cheaper to build with (for example a studio can cost R100,000/ US$6,700 to build with plumbing and everything) 

🌟 It's also faster to build with shipping containers - it's possible to have a house in one month, so you don't have to wait to earn an income

🌟 You can move with your house, no matter how big, you can move the house to the next location (even countries) 

🌟 Shipping container homes are considered movable structures and so don't have the same zoning hassles as other properties

Sounds amazing right? 

More and more companies are opting to build with containers. Even some high- end hotels and stores globally have started to introduce shipping container properties into their portfolio. 

In this episode, Wandile also shares how he has started to use shipping containers to start tackling some of South Africa's housing issues, whilst helping others realize their property investment dreams. 

He also shares some amazing entrepreneurial insights. So you are in for a treat. 

Click play below and leave us a comment in the comments section.

We are also on iTunes and Spotify, so feel free to subscribe and listen to the podcast on there and please leave us a rating and review on iTunes.

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