Interior Architecture & how Covid is changing building trends<br/><br/> — Wealthy Money Blog
Interior Architecture &amp; how Covid is changing building trends

Interior Architecture & how Covid is changing building trends

Property Magicians Podcast- Lelo Mosime.png

In this week's podcast episode we talk to Kgalalelo Mosime, an interior architect (with 15 years experience) who specializes in commercial interiors in sustainability and human wellness.

Lelo is also the founder of Hive Studios and spent time on the podcast teaching us about the difference between architecture, interior architecture and interior design.

In this episode she explains why interior architects are hired at the beginning of a building project or at the start of renovations - they work on the interior of a building and focus on the things we don;t see that complement the aesthetic. 

They focus on electrical layout, the walls, building regulations and also work with councils and engineers.

Lelo also focuses on human wellness in her field, which is focused on designing spaces that positively impact our psychological wellbeing and in this episode she spends time explaining how Covid has brought this topic to the forefront and how the pandemic has started impacting building trends in terms of natural light, colour, texture, fabrics etc.

We also touch on sustainable building and what that means and looks like in the building space and how it has started to impact council regulations.

This is another eye-opening episode. 

Click play and leave us a comment in the comments section below.

We are also on iTunes and Spotify, so feel free to subscribe and listen to the podcast on there and please leave us a rating and review on iTunes.

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