Releasing Financial Fears On a Physical Level

Releasing Financial Fears On a Physical Level

Join Me On Sunday, February 7th For The Tantra Yoga & Money Workshop To Find Out

Let's clear away all the beliefs, emotions, stories and memories we carry within our bodies about money and start giving ourselves permission to live the lives we deserve.

Research has shown that our emotions, beliefs, stories and memories about money impact our financial behavior because they shape the way we relate to money.

These beliefs and memories are often deeply buried within our subsconscious mind and can be from childhood events, family stories about money or even past lives; they form part of our money story and hold us back from dealing with money and reaching our financial goals. 

To change our financial behavior, we have to go deep within our subconscious and question our thoughts about money, release the emotions we have about money and re-evaluate our memories around money.

The most effective way to change the subconscious is through meditation or by questioning the subconscious mind.

Why Tantra Yoga & Money?

@@We carry everything within our body -  our emotions, stories and memories about money are also stored within the body and it's often easier to use the body as a tool to go deeper and understand our subconscious mind.@@

Tantra yoga is perfect for beginners and serious yoga students - it's a form of meditative yoga that focuses on opening the first and second chakras.

Tantra yoga is done with eyes closed (this eliminates any kind of competition) and focuses on getting the yoga student into their body so they can relax, go deeper into the subconscious mind and let go of the conscious mind.

In the workshop we'll focus on using tantra yoga as a tool to connect us with our bodies so we can relax and start to release the conscious mind. As we release the conscious mind, it becomes easier to go deeper into our subconscious and start releasing the memories, emotions and stories that hold us back financially.

As we go deeper into the meditative state, I'll use a set a questions I've developed to question your subconscious and help you release the stories you have about money.

It's during the questioning process that the body becomes important - in the workshop you'll learn how to use the body as your intuitive compass, to help you understand how the financial decisions you're making are impacting you in the present and in the future. 

What To Expect From the Workshop


  • Insights on how your emotions towards money impact your behaviour about money
  • Understanding on how to use your body as your intuitive compass in order to make the best financial decisions
  • Understanding of how to build a relationship with money
  • Knowledge of how to release anxiety and fear about money
  • Practical tools to connect with the spirit of money 
  • The ability to listen to your intuition and tap into your financial wisdom





  • 11:00 – 11:30:  Setting the vision and intentions for 2016
  • 11:30 – 12:30:  Tantra yoga
  • 12:30 - 14:00:   Releasing stories, vows and memories about money in the first chakra
  • 14:00 – 14:30:  Light Lunch
  • 14:30 – 16:00:  Releasing stories, vows and memories about money in the second chakra
  • 16:00 - 16:30:   Interactive talk and sharing on the link between mind, body and money 
  • 16:30 – 17:00:  Q&A

Why Attend This Workshop?

My name is Vangile Makwakwa I’m the founder of and the author of Heart, Mind & Money: Using Emotional Intelligence with Money.

I know what it's like to look like you have it all together on the outside but to be a complete wreck on the inside and wonder how you'll pay for your next meal and if you'll even make rent for the month.

I've spent years battling with shame, depression and panic attacks because my finances were a mess. 

In the last 4 years, I’ve paid off USD60, 000 in debt, started an investment portfolio, bought my first apartment in Cape Town and launched into a new phase as a suitcase entrepreneur.

I’m a tantra yoga teacher, have a Finance Honours Degree from the University of Cape Town and an MBA from the Simmons School of Management in Boston, MA.

I've spent the last 5 years researching money, emotions and financial behaviour; my work has been featured in various magazines, radio and television me and in this workshop I'll be sharing how I managed to turn my life around. 




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