Why Healing Financial Trauma Is The Key To Manifesting Your Financial Vision

Why Healing Financial Trauma Is The Key To Manifesting Your Financial Vision


Ray Dalio once said: “By and large, life will give you what you deserve and it doesn’t give a damn what you like. So it’s your responsibility to connect what you want with what you need to do to get it, and then do those things.”

I think this quote is onto something but life doesn’t give you what you deserve, it gives you what you think you deserve.

This is important to understand – you deserve everything life has to offer. That’s a fact. We all do.

The problem is we don’t believe this and we’ve created so many stories about what we need to do or be, to deserve the things we want or have.

And nowhere is this apparent then with money and when we’re working on manifesting our financial vision.

Our excitement about our financial vision has to be greater than our fear of money

For most of us, our fear of money and what will happen to us if we do make more money, outweighs our excitement of manifesting our financial vision.

We carry a lot of trauma about money and every time we manage money, we’re triggered and our subconscious mind remembers all the ways in which money hurt us or hurt the people we love and moves into protective mode and blocks us from making more money.

If money was a lover and this lover had disappointed you time and again, hurt you and your family, would you trust this lover?

Would you want this lover back in your life?

Would you truly forgive and forget?

Would you want to spend more time with this lover and have them in your future?

Probably not.

Money has been that hurtful lover to most us.

Our past relationship and experiences with money have taught us not to trust money; even though the idea of making more money, is appealing to us on a surface level, the truth is at a deeper level, it freaks us out because we’re terrified money will hurt us all over again.

So we protect ourselves by blocking ourselves from manifesting our financial vision or from making more money.

It’s possible to want more money and not want money at the same time

People assume that just because they feel excited about a financial vision, it means that they are open to working towards it and manifesting it.

It doesn’t.

Just like it’s possible to simultaneously love and hate someone, it’s possible to want and not want something at the same time.

If we have deep unresolved financial trauma, we’ll find ways to sabotage or energetically block money in an effort to keep ourselves safe.

This is why the first thing we need to do before taking action, is to focus on healing our financial trauma around money or the vision itself.

Click play on the video below to learn more about this topic

What financial vision are you struggling to manifest?

Can you see how your money trauma may be making it difficult to manifest this vision?

Share your insights in the comments section below.

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