How to own a profitable commercial building regardless of your income, net worth or credit record<br/> — Wealthy Money Blog
How to own a profitable commercial building regardless of your income, net worth or credit record

How to own a profitable commercial building regardless of your income, net worth or credit record


In episode 10, we interviewed Linda Dotwana, a portfolio manager from TUHF.

TUHF is a financier that focuses on granting loans to property entrepreneurs who are focused on investing in the inner city.

They have financed up to 40,000 residential units in South Africa.

They work with property entrepreneurs to find high return on investment opportunities in the inner city.

Their philosophy is simple: they work with entrepreneurs and meet them at their level.

They understand that most entrepreneurs don't have all their ducks in a row and are hustlers at heart so their funding requirements are very different from traditional banks.

In fact Linda told us that most banks have an exaggerated sense of risk.

TUHF is not focused on credit reports and credit scores, nor are they worried about how much equity or income you have, which makes them the ideal financing partner for beginner investors.

Here are some other things that make TUHF different to traditional banks:

- they don't see the inner city as high risk, they have an intimate knowledge of the challenges within inner city, which helps them mitigate their risk

- they don't require prior property investor experience because they will give you the people resources and networks to help you succeed

- they give you access to their investor network and team you up with an investor who has already done what you're looking to do

- they see themselves as a commercial property funder but have 15 year loan terms vs 10 year loan terms

- they calculate and pay for refurbishment costs

- they pay for the cost of evaluation of the building

- they have no monthly admin costs

There's so much more that got us super excited about this podcast episode, but to learn more, you will have to listen in, so just click play and be prepared to be blown away.

You can contact TUHF at:

Click play below and let's know your thoughts in the comments section below.

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