Have You done Decolonization Work so You can Heal your Ancestors — Wealthy Money Blog
Have You done Decolonization Work so You can Heal your Ancestors

Have You done Decolonization Work so You can Heal your Ancestors

One of my friends said something to me this week that still has me shook, she said:

"White people today, especially the most oppressive, are exactly their ancestors' wildest dreams."

Black folk we say we are our ancestors' wildest dreams; I never thought White ancestors would feel same. 

And that actually the more oppressive some White people are, the more their ancestors identify with them and celebrate. 

Now, I ask again of White healers who are doing ancestral work of any kind: Which ancestors are you invoking and working with?

Have you done decolonization work so you can heal your ancestors? Especially when it comes to money?

Idlozi liyagezwa. 

How do you disentangle oppression from money and ancestral lineage?

The advice these ancestors give may actually sound like wisdom, but can you be 100% sure it is not rooted in White Supremacy/Inferiority and pushing a colonial agenda? 

Like I said: I am still shook by what my friend said.

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