Episode 61: The link between the mother wound, the sibling wound and money — Wealthy Money Blog
Episode 61: The link between the mother wound, the sibling wound and money

Episode 61: The link between the mother wound, the sibling wound and money

This podcast is a live class I did on Facebook, talking about the sibling wound and how it can play out within families and how that then affects finances.

Sibling rivalry is a natural phenomenon that happens in many families, especially when children take on a deputy parenting role. Deputy parent siblings are those children who take on the "parent" role in their family when one parent is absent from the home or if there is only one parent in the home. This can lead to sibling codependency where they can depend on the breadwinner sibling for both financial and emotional support which can create resentment, tension, and rivalry when the relationship changes.

In this podcast I look at the vow of loyalty in families and how the family dynamics are altered by a child playing a parent role.

Most of us didn’t have a perfect childhood. Learn how to spot your vows of loyalty and mother wounds, do the healing work, and put things right on the ancestral plane. 

Tune in!

Click play on the video below to watch.

During this episode, you will learn about:

[00:01] Introduction into the show 

[02:45] Today’s topic; Mother wounds, sibling wound, and rivalry 

[07:14] Vangile personal experience with her mom and sibling 

[15:21] Where tension and the resentment between siblings originates

[26:00] What happens to the breadwinner siblings' inner child 

[28:14] Experimenting and taking risks to grow financially 

[34:12] Sibling with parenting role challenges and resentments

[38:49] Siblings' co-dependence and money wounds 

[43:14] Vow of loyalty between children and parents

[50:32] Two types of meditation to release vows of meditation 

[52:13] Mother wounds and how to spot subtle mother wounds 

[58:53] How mother wounds lead to sibling rivalry 

[01:05:26] Money magic healing works for vows of loyalty and mother wounds 

[01:09:52] How to sign in for the money magic healing course 

[01:12:58] Ending the show and call to actions

Notable Quotes 

  • Most breadwinner siblings didn’t get to be a child, and the idea of playing and having fun even around money is always foreign.

  • A huge way to grow and stand financially is taking some risks.

  • Children need parenting; children cannot raise children.

  • Mother wounds are not only from abusive mothers; we can have them simply because we didn't receive parenting from our mothers

  • Vows can feel like Stockholm syndrome. 

  • The mother wound can give rise to the sibling wound, which can lead to deep sibling rivalry in a family.

  • Healing is making things right on the ancestral plane

  • Perfectionism comes from a not good enough wounding 

Let’s Connect

Vangile Makwakwa

Website: https://www.wealthy-money.com/moneymagic

LinkedIn:  https://www.instagram.com/vangilemakwakwa/

Instagram: https://www.linkedin.com/in/vangilemakwakwa/

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