All tagged vows of loyalty
A while back I spoke about what ease looks like to me in my business and today I wanted to share how healing money trauma is linked to ease and increased income.
So how does the inner work that we do in the #MoneyMagic course impact on our ability to make money with ease?
One day we’ll have to sit down for a full day and unpack vicarious trauma and how most children who grow up seeing mothers being abused by fathers, fathers being abused by mothers or parents being abused by other family members financially, emotionally, mentally and physically grow up with deep vows of loyalty to the parent (s) who were abused.
Often, as women, our roles start to shift as we expand, and we find ourselves mothering our mothers in very subtle ways. In our expansion, we tend to take on the role of a mother to our mothers. Sometimes, it’s not that we want it to happen, but we automatically find ourselves doing it, especially when we have the finances and the means.
When you surpass this set point, you can find yourself overspending to get back to it. If you find yourself making more money, you can find yourself sabotaging and losing clients or losing your job so you can get back to your set point.
Sibling rivalry is a natural phenomenon that happens in many families, especially when children take on a deputy parenting role. Deputy parent siblings are those children who take on the "parent" role in their family when one parent is absent from the home or if there is only one parent in the home.
Tapping into our ancestral money wisdom is easier said than done. In this episode of Money Magic, I talk about the first 2 meditations we do in the free 7 day Tapping into ancestral money wisdom training and talk about the insights and aha moments from that.
Observing your breathing and your body’s reaction when dealing with money can tell you a lot about your relationship with it.