Why I Travel and How I Am able to Travel and Live in Different Countries

Why I Travel and How I Am able to Travel and Live in Different Countries

One of the things I find deeply fascinating is the amount of people who message me and ask me what I do to travel the way I do:

Are you working, is it your job that takes you to these countries?

Do you have a business goal that brought you here?

Are you invited by friends or business people to these countries?

People asked me this about Thailand, Vietnam, Bali, Morocco, Madagascar, India, Sri Lanka etc.

The answer is always:

I do not have a job that takes me to these places. No one pays me to travel.

As for a business goal when I travel - I have no goal. I’m just in these countries to exist, eat, sleep and connect with strangers I meet randomly.

I don't even have a goal to make friends or meet people, that just happens as I go about my business of living.

I’ve never really believed in focusing on networking, the universe has always connected me to the people I didn't know I needed when needed.

I don't even have a goal to see particular places or tourist sites. Every country I have lived in has always somehow helped my business.

I travel and move to countries to live because my soul wants to experience the country.

I often have the same frustrations as some locals about certain things and sometimes have a meltdown about having to learn a new culture or a new language.

I find that one needs time to be in the community and to have certain experiences so I prefer to live in countries for a few months. If I traveled with a job or business, I wouldn't have these experiences.

I would have a few days in whatever country, in whatever hotel, I would see certain tour sites and get a passport stamp and the people I meet would be pre-determined for me, but that isn't what my soul desires or craves.

I have always wanted to travel differently.

I travel for fun and to meet myself and other humans that live in those countries. I want to dine with people who see the world differently to me, who speak a different language and who challenge my deeply ingrained belief systems.

This is how I’ve always desired to travel - to have the universe surprise me with random magic and epic adventures on random days.

My retreats are run in much the same way - most of my clients will tell you that my international retreats involve them meeting locals and having unplanned adventures and we don't have a schedule.

The next question I get asked is: How does this work? How did you get to do this?

I run Wealthy Money and Wealthy Money pays me a salary and I use my salary to pay for my travels.

I get a salary slip and everything - I pay UIF and taxes like any other employee, thanks to an awesome accountant.

Wealthy Money covers certain expenses that are business related but my salary covers my upkeep.

I teach other entrepreneurs and career people to do the same - to leave jobs and build businesses that give them freedom so they can do whatever they want.

Most of my clients leave their jobs to become full time artists, start a business so they are with their kids more often etc.

We all want different things and I love that and it's one of the reasons why I love this work so much.

This is why I am so passionate about helping women of color in particular heal ancestral money trauma so they can create income in a way that gives them freedom to live the lives they truly desire.

If this is resonating with you and you feel ready to start creating the life you really want then I want to invite you to check out and register for the #MoneyMagic course/waiting list at this link: wealthy-money.com/moneymagic

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