When we Heal Ourselves, we Heal Our Bloodline

When we Heal Ourselves, we Heal Our Bloodline

Messages I receive from my private clients as I go about my business (see screenshots): 

In this conversation you see my client celebrating that her mom bought her dream car.

In one of our coaching sessions, this client had this deep aha that actually she was the block to her mom living her best life and that if she just focused on healing her traumas she could start to change how she reacted with money where her mom was concerned, which would probably free her mom and others in her family to go live their best life.

Well, guess what?

In a matter of weeks, her mom bought herself her own dream car.

A car she’s always wanted and she did it on her own without my client's help or any of the other siblings' help.

Sometimes we project our money drama onto our parents and family members and stifle their growth in our efforts to “help” them. 

It's a hard pill to swallow - that our trauma can make us over givers and that this overgiving can cause everyone around us to energetically contract.

Trauma has ripple effects and how trauma plays out with money in families is sometimes subtle.

Sometimes we think it's the other people that are the problem, but we also play a part because trauma can keep us trapped in roles we don't like or want, but that we can't break out of.

Healing our trauma DOESN'T mean that the people in our lives will change or even that they will change their behavior

The people in our lives may never change because they’re on their own soul journey. But the relationship we have with them will change - we’ll either end it because we realize it doesn't work for us or the dynamics will change. 

When the dynamics change. It means we stop playing the same old roles and we start to react differently to those people and within those relationships and that eventually leads to a change in the relationship. especially where money is concerned.

The truth is: this client's mom could always afford her own car, but my client was doing certain things in the relationship that were blocking her mom from getting the car. 

When she started to heal, she started showing up differently in the relationship, started having different money conversations and her mom was free to start playing a different role. 

If this is resonating with you and you’re ready to start expanding and understanding your ancestral money story and tapping into your ancestral financial wisdom, then check out my FREE 7 Day Training at the link below.

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