What It Takes To Be A MultiMillionaire — Wealthy Money Blog
What It Takes To Be A MultiMillionaire

What It Takes To Be A MultiMillionaire

I'm driving a scooter in India!

Me about to take a 1 hour drive in Goa traffic to go from Fort Aguada to Vagator

Me about to take a 1 hour drive in Goa traffic to go from Fort Aguada to Vagator

If you've ever driven in India you'd realise that this is a big deal and Goa is even more special because there are no traffic lights or street signs like stop or yield in Goa. 

You also share the road with cows, dogs, cars, buses and trucks, and scooters are low on the rung of importance.

But drivers in Goa are friendly and I literally stop almost everyone regardless of what they're driving to ask for directions.

Absolutely everyone has taken the time to direct me and even tell me to follow them as they take me to my location.

Today, my scooter ran out of gas in the middle of the road and literally 5 minutes later someone stopped and helped me.


Someone actually pointed out the superman t-shirt on Facebook...very apt!

Someone actually pointed out the superman t-shirt on Facebook...very apt!

You never know what you're capable of until you try

I've never driven a scooter before and I had to learn how to do this in 10 minutes cos my teacher is a guy who was really freaked out that I would hurt myself and his bike.

So he said if I cant get the hang of this thing in that time period, I can't get the bike.

So I literally had 10 minutes to convince this guy I could do this and he could trust me to come back in one piece.

My gender (and the fact that I fell in the first 2 minutes on the bike) may have had something to do with the quick lesson and his total doubt of my ability; but I knew that scooters are an important, cheap and fast mode of transportation in most Asian countries so I had to just deal and get on with it.

And today I noticed that the guy smiled at me when I came to get the scooter again and was more than happy to give it to me.

What does this have to do with being multi millionaire?

Yes, there's a personal finance lesson in all this!

Most of us want financial freedom but are trapped by our limiting beliefs about money or are scared we're not gonna achieve it so we stop dreaming.

You know where you wanna go, but you have no clue how to get there; there are no road signs and you sure as heck don't have the tools.

You have 2 options:

1. you can just say F it, take lessons, learn on the fly, fall, fail, get up, keep asking for directions, learn from the people that have been there and know the way and risk being vulnerable. It seems tedious at times but you never stand still, life turns into an adventure and you eventually get to your destination

2. you can keep delaying your dreams and give excuses on why you stopped dreaming. And most of those excuses may seem valid and reasonable - too little time, not enough money, I have kids to look after etc.  but at the end of the day they still keep you stuck. Next year, will be no different from this year...

Are you choosing option 1? 

Let me know in the comments section below.

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