Understanding Something Intellectually doesn’t Lead to Behavioral Change — Wealthy Money Blog
Understanding Something Intellectually doesn’t Lead to Behavioral Change

Understanding Something Intellectually doesn’t Lead to Behavioral Change

Fun fact: when I lived in Boston, MA I had a tutoring company where I taught university students from Wealthy families and the Saudi Royal family (the princes and princesses) finance. I taught from freshman to 3rd year.

I just remembered I loved teaching this stuff. Now that it's relevant to my life, now that I am actually investing, it feels like a practical skill to have and impart vs just a job. 

The irony of this is that I was making US$8,000 a month in business, working 40 hours a month (yep - a month), teaching finance and investments to super wealthy college students and was still unable to pay even a dollar towards my US$60,000 debt, neve made a single investment and I was having panic attacks whenever I dealt with money.

I have no idea where that money went. I was always broke and I felt broke all the time 💔

I am living proof that knowing something intellectually doesn't lead to implementation or behavioral change.

This is why I do the work I do around healing ancestral money trauma,I know that a traditional personal finance course where all I do is share knowledge wouldn't give people the financial breakthroughs they get now.

Financial trauma cannot be intellectualized or thought away. It has to be integrated in the body because trauma lives in the body.

If this is resonating with you and you feel ready to start healing your money trauma and start unraveling how family trauma is affecting your expansion and are feeling called to create a consistent stream of income of R40,000/ US$2,500 or more per month...

Then I invite you to check out and register or get on the waiting list  for the #MoneyMagic course here: wealthy-money.com/moneymagic

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