The myth of overcharging (Why it's not about how much you charge) — Wealthy Money Blog
The myth of overcharging (Why it's not about how much you charge)

The myth of overcharging (Why it's not about how much you charge)

In episode 47 of the #MoneyMagic Podcast, I did a class on the fear of invoicing people and the fear of asking people to pay us. In this week’s podcast episode I am sharing a live class I did a while back on pricing in the #MoneyMagic student group.

Most times we’re scared to invoice people because we’re scared they won’t pay us because our prices are too high.

In this class I share why this is simply not true and why it’s not about the money.

Pricing is NOT the reason people don't buy; I have had people drop their jaws when they hear my price for my coaching and courses. To them it's too low.

And other people freak out that it's too high.

There’s a market for you, no matter what your pricing looks like. In fact there is a danger in under pricing.

Click play on the video below to learn more.

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PS: If this is resonating with you and are ready to start changing your finances, fully step into your power and start creating magic by tapping into your ancestral wisdom, then I have great news for you: I have created a Money Journal that you will love, you can learn more about the journal at this link:

Setting property investment intentions and understanding your investor archetype

Setting property investment intentions and understanding your investor archetype

Releasing the fear of invoicing and charging for our services

Releasing the fear of invoicing and charging for our services