Stepping into your divine feminine to build a successful business — Wealthy Money Blog
Stepping into your Divine Feminine to build a Successful Business

Stepping into your Divine Feminine to build a Successful Business

Money Magic Podcast_ John Griffth.png

Welcome back to the Money Magic Podcast; this week I welcome John Griffith to the show to discuss his newly founded coaching business.

John and I have been friends for years, dating back from my time in Boston. I have learned a lot from him about business, real estate, and through his Bigger Pockets Podcast recommendation. John is also the reason I started the Property Magicians Podcast with my co-host Miranda Moloto. 

Before pursuing his entrepreneurial dreams, John worked in the corporate world for many years and found himself to be very unhappy. During this time, he was still practicing yoga and meditating from time to time, yet he did not feel fulfilled.

By the time he decided to launch his coaching business, John had been practicing yoga for over 20 years, and with this new business, his mission was to transform people’s life by teaching them to be healthy with their mind, body, and spirit.

Just a short four months later, John’s business was experiencing a meteoric rise to the point where he needed to hire additional coaches and is now working on buying a retreat center.

As John describes it, money to him holds an energetic frequency and can be broken down into two aspects. The first being that it is completely made up. Money is simply a piece of paper, and it is only we who give it value. The second aspect is energy, and between the two, we must find harmony. We have a collective understanding that we need it to survive, and we know it can be used to disentangle the trauma it has caused.

John brings up the correlation between faith and success. He shares an anecdote from when he was on vacation and prayed for more faith, as he felt it dwindle away.

When he returned, he was fired from his job, having just bought a home and a baby on the way. Within the month, John got two job offers, one of which was something he was long searching for.

It was in the moment that he knew there’s was no way his faith could get tested if he did not experience the rug being pulled out from underneath him. Once his faith was intact, abundance started to come. Although he admits to listening to voices of the toxic relationship we have with our brains, he never reacts or gives in to the fear it puts out!

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[00:00] Stepping into your divine feminine to build a successful business

[02:27] Introduction to John Griffith

[06:17] Background on John

[09:34] What does money mean to you?

[15:12] Looking at ease in a new way

[18:38] Enjoying the money you make

[20:42] Learning to have faith

[22:08] People of faith are much wealthier than those who are not

[26:24] Spend according to your values

[29:12] Making the switch of scarcity to abundance

[34:12] Everything is an internal vibration

[37:44] Our brain is a toxic relationship

[41:07] The brain will always work against you when it comes to expansion

[43:14] Mental health crisis in the USA

[46:57] Listening to your intuition

[54:43] As humans, we are a web of consciousness

Contact John:




PS: If this is resonating with you and you feel ready to start creating a consistent stream of income of R40,000/US$2,500 every month, expanding with ease and creating new options for your life then I invite you to check out and register for the #MoneyMagic course (or the waiting list) at this link:

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