I am starting my grape fast today: — Wealthy Money Blog
I am starting my grape fast today:

I am starting my grape fast today:

My grape fast starts today.

I have decided on 21 days instead of 30 days.

I am ill prepared because I have been traveling up and down.

So am starting with a fruit bowl and smoothies and grapes for today. Slowly working into just grapes over the next few days.

Had a Money web panel discussion yesterday where I spoke about millennials, the nomad lifestyle and retirement.

It was fun. I shared a stage with 2 other panelists where we explained why the concept of retiring at 65 is a disaster and why most people can’t buy into it.

Shared my story on my journey to making early retirement an actual thing and basically disagreed with the other panelists on why traditional finance teaching is useless.

And explained why healing trauma is key to changing financial behavior.

Not sure if I was heard because the room was all your traditional finance houses in SA - Allan Gray, Momentum, Sanlam etc.

Also, quick observation - the panelists (us) were probably the only ones 35 and under in the whole room.

Probably even 45 and under.

And we were talking about millennials and money and creating financial products that work for them and the lives they want to create.

Yet these people were not in the room. Wow!!

Also, there were about 10 people of color there. The room was 90% White.

In South Africa, a country that is majority Black.

And then me and the other Black panelist had to spend time explaining certain financial realities that Black South Africans deal with.


But the day was saved by an evening meeting...let’s say there are that young black South African investors who are working on disrupting the market with true Wealth Creation.

They are working quietly in their corners and not making noise.

The investment work they do is not fancy or flashy - it doesn’t involve bitcoin or forex or investment funds or get rich quick schemes.

But its solid and tested and works in the long run.

It’s a long-term game to effect change.

Strategy is a thing.

And I’m excited to be invited to be part of this silent movement.

I am starting to think we need to build our own tables and getting seats on there.

It's less stressful and there's no code switching or having to prove our humanity and intelligence.

My insight for now.

Anyway - I have bigger and more immediate life issues right now that involve grapes for 21 days.


Day 2 of my 21-day grape fast:

Day 2 of my 21-day grape fast:

How to Start Investing When You're Earning Pennies & Broke

How to Start Investing When You're Earning Pennies & Broke