Day 2 of my 21-day grape fast:

Day 2 of my 21-day grape fast:

Day 2 of the grape fast and the Sri Lankan retreats are both fully booked.

Deposits have been collected or are confirmed to be on the way and I squeezed in an extra person (a dear friend) in an already fully booked space.

Fam, I am reeling from gratitude and a little fear honestly cos I want everything to be perfect and I still have to buy tickets for 15 ppl.

One is flying in from Rome and another from Australia.

Breathing in pure gratitude*

This year I have seen #WealthyMoney almost cripple me financially in April.

I used everything (all savings) to make the Thai Retreat happen.

Luckily investments were not touched cos my financial advisor was not having it even when I was in tears.

So today, I am a bit awed.

PS: I decided to just jump into the grape fast and not transition like I planned. Cos what’s the point? I have already eaten 2.5 kgs of grapes.


Mental Dynamics - How to Constantly Change & Evolve Your Mindset

Mental Dynamics - How to Constantly Change & Evolve Your Mindset

I am starting my grape fast today:

I am starting my grape fast today: