How to grow your property portfolio using multiple investment strategies — Wealthy Money Blog
 How to grow your Property portfolio using multiple Investment strategies

How to grow your Property portfolio using multiple Investment strategies

Property Magicians Podcast- Nokulunga.png

In this week’s podcast, we talk to Nokulunga Pere, a full-time property investor who has used multiple investment strategies to build her property portfolio.

Nokulunga holds a baccalaureate degree in IT and worked in corporate for 10 years before her entrepreneurial side kicked in and she realized that she was more suited to property investing than formal employment.

Nokulunga bought her first property at 23 because she was tired of renting and moving whenever her lease was up. She needed a stable place to live and ended up buying a sectional title, thinking that she was buying a free-standing home.

In this podcast, she shares how shocked she was to find out that rates and levies were not the same thing and how the agent misled her about renovations and how she used credit cards to renovate the property.

She bought her second property in Mfuleni, Western Cape because she wanted cash flow. She bought the property for R150,000 (US$10,673) and used cash and personal loans to build 6 bachelor units which she now rents out at R2,500 (US$179) each per month.

She then moved onto a flipping strategy, where she bought a property and sold it for a 120% return. 

Nokulunga is now focused on high-end beachfront property development and an AirBnB strategy.

This is another eye-opening episode, click play below, leave us a comment and a rating on iTunes.

We are also on iTunes and Spotify, so feel free to subscribe and listen to the podcast on there and please leave us a rating and review on iTunes.

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