How the Vow of Invisibility Impacts Our Income and Keeps Us Stuck — Wealthy Money Blog
 How the Vow of Invisibility Impacts Our Income and Keeps Us Stuck

How the Vow of Invisibility Impacts Our Income and Keeps Us Stuck

When I started #WealthyMoney, my greatest fear happened - I had people writing to me telling me how they were praying for me to find God, how they were scared of me, how they doubted me because I was talking about ancestral trauma and the spirit of money.

Not being Christian (in fact knowing almost zero about the Bible) and coming from a family of sangomas (shamans), had people doing the most in my inbox and email.

I became scared to share this work and my meditations.

I wasn't just scared - I was triggered.

As a child I was bullied throughout primary and high school for being strange and weird. I was rejected and shunned for being myself.

I was bullied because my mom (who is a retired nurse now) would always send us to school with herbal concoctions and notes that we were not to be given pills, wouldn't sign the school vaccination forms and wouldn't even let us eat White bread or any processed food. So even my lunch box was a bunch of fruit and healthy stuff.

I was also a weird child and teen: I just knew things and couldn't follow a rule to save my life, I lacked "ambition" because I didn't aspire to get into any university and just wanted to travel, live on the ocean, smoke weed, write/read and make money from existing.

Basically, I wanted to live the life I live now, except I no longer smoke weed.

[One day I will share how I applied to UCT 3 weeks before the semester started because my mom kicked me out of the house because I had zero life plans.] 

I was bullied by adults and kids because of my weirdness.

So I learned to stay safe by picking and choosing which parts of myself I could show and knowing who I could show these parts to. 

I studied humans a lot (probably why I do the work I do), so I could know who would tolerate me and who would criticize and bully me.

I was still strange even at UCT (university)...I had orange hair and I worked as a nude model for artists, so paintings of my naked form were hanging in various locations in Observatory, Cape Town and people knew it was me because of the hair.

Looking back - I think I was trying to find a way to be visible and safe....

Anyway, I digress.

My point is - I learned to stay safe by being invisible but then I started #WealthyMoney and started talking a little about money and a whole lot about ancestral work, akashic records, spirit of money, abuse, Black tax etc.

None of these are "safe" topics.

I knew this because of the criticism, and also because some family and friends stopped talking to me and well meaning prayer warriors started coming into my inbox.

People would come on my comments on Facebook and share how scared they were of me, implying that maybe I was into the Dark Arts. 

It triggered me - it reminded me of how I was bullied at school.

And being bullied was a scary thing to me. It made me feel physically unsafe.

No amount of affirmations or visualizations helped me. In fact, affirmations triggered me badly because the feeling of unsafety sat in my body - in the muscles and bones and trying to override that made me scared. 

So I slowly stopped showing up, stopped sharing my work, stopped sharing how this work changed my life, how it was changing clients' lives...

And business started to stagnate - I couldn't sell my courses or get booked as a coach. 

And my income in the business plateaued.

Which makes sense, because as my business strategy lecturer in the MBA program would say: people can't buy from you, if they don't know about you. 

For me to find clients and help people, I had to show up and be visible. I had to be seen and be open to criticism so I could find my tribe and build the business. I had to go beyond my immediate circle. 

This is true of any business. 

I stopped teaching this work publicly for a while and would only work with a few people and share it with them.

I was trying to keep myself safe by avoiding criticism.

But in doing so, I kept myself small and stopped expanding personally, financially and business wise. 

Then I met Teencoach Nomveliso Mbanga and she saw such intense shifts from the #MoneyMagic coursework, she started sharing everything publicly - she shared her experiences and went a step further - she started marketing it to people, she helped me grow the #WealthyMoney Facebook group, just as a thank you to me.

[I am teary just thinking about Nomve and what she did and her generosity.] 

This actually inspired me to start developing a body of work just on the vow of invisibility so I could heal myself. I hired 2 coaches to hold space for me and help me process my ish from past lives, ancestors, childhood and teens. 

It's been a few years and my work on the vow of invisibility keeps growing and I’m still working with one of my coaches, cos trauma is layered, crosses dimensions and timelines and trauma sits in the body. 

The more I healed this vow of invisibility and the various traumatic memories (from this life and past lives), stories and events linked to it, and the more I worked with the body to heal the trauma, the more I saw a shift in how I show up in my business.

I’ve seen my brand grow, Wealthy Money(my business) grow, the company's revenue double, triple and quadruple as I become more courageous to fully show up as myself and be visible and share my work and my story.

Because it's true: if people don't know about us and what we do, they can't buy from us and support us and they don't know if they can trust us. 

And it's also true that for a business to grow - you can't rely only on family and friends.

After all, I only have so many family and friends and it's unrealistic to expect them to support me every month.

A business needs a consistent monthly income to keep growing.

On a personal note: I have also seen myself willingly step up and engage controversial topics and openly own and share my story

I even engage conflict in a healthy manner and don't cower from it. 

I’m no longer being 100% hijacked by that inner child and inner teen who feel unsafe. It still happens 15% of the time, but that's better than 100%.

Of course I used a business example in this instance, but the vow of invisibility plays out in people's careers a lot and can show up as the inability to take credit for your work, supporting a boss who takes credit for all your work, the inability to speak up in meetings, the fear of upsetting co-workers, inability to motivate for a promotion or higher salary because you are scared to openly share and show how you are contributing to an employer's bottom line etc.

All these things have an impact on promotions and salary. 

🎊PS: This is part of the work that I teach in the #MoneyMagic course. A part of the work I do is helping people regulate their nervous systems and release various vows they have made or their ancestors have made so they can increase their income. If this is resonating with you and you  feel ready to start healing yourself and healing money trauma and creating a consistent monthly income, then I invite you to register for the #MoneyMagic course or get on the waiting list at this link:

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