How different currencies influence our relationship with money — Wealthy Money Blog
How different Currencies influence our Relationship with Money

How different Currencies influence our Relationship with Money

Money Magic Podcast_ Lerato M.png

In this week’s podcast I am interviewing another #MoneyMagic student, Lerato Molisana, who is from Lesotho but is currently doing her MFA in creative writing in Arizona, USA.

Lerato joined the course after having a money exploration coaching session with me; she shares her experience of that session and how she started to understand why nothing was coming together when it came to making money. 

In this podcast, we talk about how we often fracture our souls in order to survive the world and the importance of aligning your work or career with your soul’s mission and how going against our soul calling affects our emotional and mental state. 

We instantly go deep in this podcast - Lerato shares how her relationship with money is changing by living in the US and using a different currency - the dollar. 

Lerato share’s how she feels that the energy of money is more intense in the US vs the energy of money in South Africa and Lesotho and how she feels she can do more with the same amount of money in the USA than she could back home. 

We explore how our relationship with money is influenced by the currency we use in a country and how currencies are influenced by the energies of the people who deal in that currency and how that influences how we perceive the buying power of money in every country.

I hope you enjoy this episode as much as we did recording it.

Click play to watch this episode and leave a comment in the comments section below.

Listen/ Download on: iTunes, Podbean and Spotify


[03:06] Introduction to Lerato

[06:17] What does money mean to you?

[09:56] The difference in the energy of money in the US vs South Africa and Lesotho

[12:47] The triggers and stories a currency carries

[20:23] Expectations when joining the Money Magic course

[23:09] When we don’t live our soul’s purpose

[28:36] Soul fracturing

[31:50] Feeling safe in the student group

[37:55] Past life regression

[43:50] Vow of service and quitting her job

[46:00] Income challenge and setting goals

[51:33] Spending money on self

[56:30] Unconventional money advice

[59:32] Increasing your receiving set point

Contact Lerato:



PS: If this is resonating with you and you’re done:

Feeling powerless and overwhelmed with money, especially with making money and increasing your income

Working hard but not seeing the financial results of your work

Then I invite you to check out the Money Magic course where I help women of color create a consistent stream of income of R40,000/US$2,500 or more per month by tapping into their ancestral money wisdom. 

You can register get on the waiting list for the course at this link:

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