How Ancestral Money trauma stops us from making more Money

How Ancestral Money trauma stops us from making more Money

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Tapping into our ancestral money wisdom is easier said than done. In this episode of Money Magic, I talk about the first 2 meditations we do in the free 7 day Tapping into ancestral money wisdom training and talk about the insights and aha moments from that.

Observing your breathing and your body’s reaction when dealing with money can tell you a lot about your relationship with it. 

In today’s episode, I respond to one of the women, in the training, whose breathing becomes heightened when getting cash, but not when receiving a deposit and what that physical response tells her about her ability to receive money. 

Our money traumas are often tied to our childhood; they can stem from either watching money bring stress to our parent's lives or from never witnessing anyone in our family make a large income, which impacts our money set point and makes it difficult for us to open up to receiving more money.

To break the cycle is to break the vows made that prevent us from breaking through our money ceiling. From being scared of other people's disapproval to having survivors' guilt to even feeling responsible for everyone else as the main breadwinner, these scenarios are what keep us from getting to that next level.

Most of these behaviours are rooted in our vows of loyalty to our tribe - our family, friends and community. 

Whether it is warranted or not, loyalty to our family makes it difficult for us to set up boundaries for ourselves. 

So the real question is: how do we honour our past and our family whilst still being true to ourselves and giving ourselves permission to expand?

 Click play to watch this episode and leave me a comment in the comments section.

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[02:14] Tapping into money wisdom training

[06:18] Live Q&A

[07:11] Meditational breathing

[08:55] Observing your body functions

[12:17] Recognizing when you are blocking money

[14:52] Financial set point

[16:41] The ceiling of making money that is tied to our childhood

[18:22] Working on releasing the vows

[21:19] Marital vows

[24:27] Day 2 meditation

[26:27] Whose disapproval are you so scared of?

[30:30] Survivors guilt

[32:21] Self sabotaging financially

[35:32] Guilt leads to overgiving

[36:30] Deep-rooted loyalty

[39:37] Heal trauma by going back into the memories

[40:52] What came up for you?

[44:02] Make money and keep relationships

[46:46] Talking about money in an uncharged matter

[48:40] Patriarchy and money

[50:50] Who are we with money?

[58:07] Getting in your own way 

PS: If this conversation on healing is resonating with you and you feel ready to start healing your ancestral money trauma, then I invite you to check out and register for the #MoneyMagic course (or the waiting list) at this link:

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