Going Off Topic to Talk about Time Travel — Wealthy Money Blog
Going Off Topic to Talk about Time Travel

Going Off Topic to Talk about Time Travel

Let's talk about something completely different today.

Some people may or may not know this...but I am a total sci-fi nerd. I only really watch/read sci-fi ish and I spend time in reddit groups reading up on random theories and testing them.

[I have stopped testing many things cos I have had too many crazy experiences and have developed a healthy fear of some things for now.]

Anyway I'm really interested in what people think of time travel.

🤔 Do you think we have time travelers in our midst?

There's a real life story of a man who arrived at Haneda airport, Japan in 1954 and presented a passport with visas and currencies for countries that don't exist. The man said he was from Taured and mentioned the company he worked for. The company did exist in our timeline but obviously Taured and the other countries didn't.

The man was detained with security in a hotel room and after a few hours vanished without a trace.

This case is known as the Taured mystery and to be fair most people think it's a man who crossed into parallel universes, not time travel per se. 

There are a few other such mysterious cases.

I have no clue what to think but I've experienced a bit of wild-ish on my journey so I feel anything is possible. 

😳 If there are time travelers in our midst can we trust history or the present?

If time is not linear then it means that everything happens simultaneously. So technically changing one thing can change everything instantly. A small change in one event, could have a whole effect on the space time continuum.

So is our history accurate?

Also are we the same people? If the timeline is constantly being messed with, are we not being messed with in the present?

😐 Are we changing the space time continuum when we do healing work, like inner child work or meeting our future selves?

We may not be physically time traveling but we are traveling.

When we go to parent our inner child, we literally alter our present moment and we feel it and see it. 

When our future selves/higher selves who are experiencing a particular event or have a particular thing give us guidance on how to make that real, are we not altering the timeline?

🤔 Also the fact that we can connect with our future selves - doesn't that show that the future is already happening at the same time as the present?

Our future selves basically rig the game and can tell our present selves what to do to evolve into them in the future....

One day I will share a story of how my trauma coach had to help me release a deep fear I had and the only way for me to release it was to go into a past life and help a past life version of myself die. That session shifted a lot for me.

So the question that plagues me is: would that version of me have passed on in that lifetime at that time, if the me now (the future version of her), didn't go to be with her and help her let go?

What are your thoughts?

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