How to Get Brands to Sponsor Your Travels — Wealthy Money Blog
How to Get Brands to Sponsor Your Travels

How to Get Brands to Sponsor Your Travels

I'm still in Chiang Mai, Thailand and I'm convinced that my soul led me here to eat. The food is so good and best of all it's vegan.

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Thai Desert.jpg

I honestly want everyone to this city just for the food. 

Speaking of travel constantly get questions from people asking me about travel.

So I've started a Wednesday series (#WinningWednesday: Travel Like a Boss) on the Wealthy Money Facebook page where I interview digital nomads, I'm meeting out here in Chiang Mai.

The purpose of this series is to have nomads share how they afford to travel.

Today I interviewed Salwa Kisswani who gets sponsored to travel because she built a strong social media profile.

Click below to learn more and let me know your thoughts in the comments section below!


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