How Embracing Our Prostitute Archetype Can Help Us Heal Our Relationship With Money

How Embracing Our Prostitute Archetype Can Help Us Heal Our Relationship With Money


"Caroline Myss, bestselling author of Anatomy of the Spirit, asserts that each of us has a financial prostitute; we’re all capable of selling our minds, bodies and/or talents for financial gain.

Most people balk at this idea, but if you’re in a job you hate and you’re only in it for the pay cheque, then you’re selling your mind or talent for money.

If you’re in a loveless marriage or a relationship for financial security, then you have a price.

If you’re an artist doing creative work you hate, you’re selling out your talent, and that pay cheque is your price.

What keeps this financial prostitute alive? Our need to survive or just plain survival instinct."

Those are the first words in my book, "Heart, Mind & Money."

The prostitute archetype refers to selling our inner beliefs and values, not sex

There's this unspoken belief that to succeed or to make money, we all have to pay the piper; give up parts of ourselves, give up our values or give up our belief systems.

There's this notion that there's a price for our dreams and that price is our souls because every empire has blood on it.

Wasn't it Steve Harvey that told Monique that we need to choose between integrity and making money?

These beliefs are the cornerstone of the prostitute archetype.

This is a universal archetype that we all embody, it's the part of us that believes that the only way to make money is to stay in the jobs we hate or that the only way we can be loved is to pretend to love the other person as well.

The prostitute archetype teaches us that it's okay to give up parts of ourselves as long as we receive something in return.

We believe this because we don't trust ourselves and we don't trust the Divine.

We don't trust that we are held.

Why we operate from our prostitute archetype

If we experienced trauma, loss or lack in our childhood, we may have come to the conclusion that the Divine doesn't have our backs or that it's not safe to trust the Divine to provide for us and that the only person we could rely on to survive and take care of our basic needs is ourselves or other people.

As a result of the financial or emotional trauma we experienced as kids we may have come to the conclusion to do whatever it takes to survive or to fulfill our emotional needs, even if it means compromising our beliefs, values or integrity.

We prostitute our creativity and talents by staying in jobs we don't like in order to make money.

We prostitute our hearts and bodies by staying in relationships we don't enjoy or with lovers we don't like because they love us or they provide us with financial, emotional or physical security.

We prostitute our businesses by selling and endorsing products and services we don't believe in, in order to make money or gain fame.

All this stems from our inability to trust ourselves or the Divine.

To trust that our needs will be met by simply honoring ourselves and trusting our own abilities.

Embracing and healing the prostitute archetype

The first step to embracing and healing the prostitute archetype is to acknowledge and accept the part of ourselves that is compromising our integrity and values in order to get something in return.

The next step is to start healing our fears around survival.

We need to heal that part of us that's scared or being without money and is convinced that they have to compromise themselves in order to make money, succeed or be loved.

We also have to heal that inner child or inner teen version of us that believes that they're not good enough so they stay in the job they hate or the toxic relationship.

When we start to heal the way we see ourselves, we can start to trust ourselves and start to believe in ourselves.

As we start to believe in ourselves, it becomes easier to believe in our own ability to make money in the way we want or to be loved in the way we desire.

Our relationship with ourselves is a reflection of our relationship with the Divine; as we start to believe in ourselves, we deepen our relationship with the Divine.

As our relationship with the Divine deepens, it becomes easier for us to believe that we're truly held by something greater than us and that we'll always be okay and it becomes easier for us stand up for the things we believe in and act in accordance with our values, without fear of losing love or money.

Click play in the video below to learn more about this topic

How are you compromising your values and integrity to get money or love or just to survive?

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