Building a property portfolio that makes R105, 000/ $7000 income a month — Wealthy Money Blog
Building a property portfolio that makes R105, 000/ $7000 income a month

Building a property portfolio that makes R105, 000/ $7000 income a month


In episode 9, we interview Ntombi Sithole, a full time property entrepreneur, who shares with us how she was able to build a property portfolio that cashflows at R105, 000/ $7,000 per month.

She shares how she bought her first building in 2015 for R 2.5 million ($167,000) and how that building is now worth R6 million ($401,000).

So how did she do it?

You will have to listen to this podcast to really grasp it, but here are some things she shared:

1) Other people's money: she raised money through family and friends and also got funding from non traditional sources of funding

2) She utilized her relationship. She told us that relationships are the new wealth. Not money

3) Lots of courage. She didn't wait u til she was ready or had all the resources. She improvised and got creative when things got tough

Ntombi's company is called Pat-Nini Properties. They Invest, Remodel and Manage Properties.

Their email address is:  info[at] patniniproperties[dot]co[dot]za 

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