Making US$2,000 - US$4,000 a month with a guest house in Botswana — Wealthy Money Blog
 Making US$2,000 - US$4,000 a month with a guest house in Botswana

Making US$2,000 - US$4,000 a month with a guest house in Botswana

In this week’s podcast episode we talk to Malebogo Zilberman. Malebogo is a 39-year-old Fellow Chartered Accountant registered as a Fellow with the Association of Chartered Certified Accountants (FCCA) and a Fellow Certified Professional Accountant registered with the Botswana Institute of Chartered Accountants.

Her first property deal was a deal she entered into to help her mom develop back rooms. 

She understudied her mum's development journey and saw how she used cash to develop 7 backroom houses and used them as a source of income. She saw how her mom started the first 3 rooms and then kept adding other rooms as and when she had saved from the existing rooms.

So she decided to do the same as an investor. She bought the first plot about 10 years ago from her young brother; she waited until she had enough savings to develop it. She eventually developed this property into a 2 bedroom house that currently rents for US$270/ month.

She and her husband bought a property in town and decided to turn it into a Domestic Guesthouse to earn an income. The house features 5 en-suite bedrooms, capable of giving a monthly income of between $2,000 to $4,000 Monthly, depending on how busy it is.

Lebo is currently working on a new project - developing and building 10 units.

This is another incredible episode.

Click on the episode below and leave us a comment on the comment's section.

Books that inspired Lebo:

“Heart, Mind & Money” by Vangile Makwakwa

“What’s your move” by Nicolette Mashile

Contact Lebo


Tel: +267 7444 7184

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