What Support Looks like in Business

What Support Looks like in Business

What support looks like in business and how it leads to expansion: When I was editing and proofreading the "Next Level You Journal" I realized my schedule was too packed asn I wasn’t going to be able to do everything I had planned.

I asked my then assistant to take over that job, because she's actually a proofreader and editor.

I then sent my graphic and web designer instructions on the webpage I wanted to create, which actually meant that the web page was built really easily and quickly. 

What I’ve learned as an entrepreneur is to trust others with my vision and to allow myself to be supported in the whole process

This didn't happen overnight, it was a process. 

If I had tried to edit and proofread the journal and still honor my schedule at that time, it would have taken me weeks.

But the minute I allowed myself to be supported, everything got done in a few days and I sold 300 copies of the journal. 

This is why I say ease is the cousin of expansion.

A huge part of my journey has been about learning how to RECEIVE support.

I struggled with this for years because I thought doing everything myself would earn me respect and make me look amazing to the outside world plus I wanted to prove my "worth". 

I wanted people to marvel and say things like: "How do you do it? You work soo hard." 

Also my inner child was stuck in the trauma of my childhood, trying to prove to my mother that she was wrong - I wasn't "useless" and "good for nothing" so I refused help or support in the hopes that one day I would be able to show my mom what I had done (all alone) and get her approval and validation of my awesomeness.

Spoiler alert: that approval has never come. 

In fact the more I did, the more the goal post moved and the more physically, mentally and emotionally exhausted I got until I felt suffocated by life and living.

When I was in proving mode, I barely finished projects or sold anything in my business.

Trauma will block us from allowing ourselves to receive and will make us believe our worth is in how much we can do and achieve

I had to do a lot of work on my not good enough wound and my mother wound, so I could receive support and start truly expanding and growing in business. 

This is part of the work that I teach in the #MoneyMagic course. A part of the work I do in the course is helping people regulate their nervous systems so they can tap into their ancestral wisdom around money and start creating a consistent stream of income of R40,000/US$2,500 or more per month so they can live their best lives. 

If you’re ready to give yourself permission to play big and own your greatness, then I invite you to check out my FREE 7 Day Tapping Into Ancestral Money Wisdom Training here: wealthy-money.com/training 

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