The Question I Get Asked The Most In India — Wealthy Money Blog
The Question I Get Asked The Most In India

The Question I Get Asked The Most In India

So today is the day we get to do our dance.

I’m so excited!

The finger movements still concern me but overall I’m really happy I agreed to do the dance because it’s been lots of fun.

And the bride is happy:

The only thing is everywhere I go in Dehli, everyone asks for my name and then thy all ask me the same question:


Are you Married or Unmarried?


Both men and women ask me this.

At this point I’ve answered this question 100 times.

As soon as people hear that I’m single, at least 50% tell me about a brother or cousin they could set me up with.

Of course I try my best to decline with grace instead of collapsing with laughter.


Not even my parents have shown this much interest in my marital status.


What would your life look like if you were married to money?


In the last #HeartMindMoney tweetchat a friend of mine announced that she’s stopped making money her lover and was now officially married and married to money.

If money was a person could you trust money enough to marry him/her?

Join me on July 30, 2015 at 6:00 PM EST for a FREE Teleclass to learn how to connect with the divine in money and start trusting money.




BONUS: I will be giving away a free worksheet during the call so you can take notes and self-coach. This worksheet is only available during the call and not after.

 !!!ADDED BONUS: As long as you're registered for the teleclass, you'll receive a recording of the call, which you can play as often as you like for 48 hours. After that you have to purchase the recording.

 How will your life look like 6 months from now? 12 months from now?

 Can you afford to stay in the same position?

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