Being In Survival Mode & Healing the Beggar Archetype — Wealthy Money Blog
Being In Survival Mode & Healing the Beggar Archetype

Being In Survival Mode & Healing the Beggar Archetype


"Beware of those that can only love you in your brokenness and can only connect with you through suffering.

They will make you fall in love with your pain and eventually your anger and your sadness will become a prison.

Pain and struggle can be a prison...allow yourself to explore who you are beyond these walls.

Allow yourself to evolve and dream. Your expansion lies in the ability to dream."

That was a message from my higher self in early 2019 and I keep coming back to this message because it reminds me to give myself permission to evolve and thrive.

Who taught us that we need to pray for just enough?

Why do we downgrade to the lowest grade of survival when things are hard?

Wouldn't it make sense to dream bigger when we have less?

Why do we think growth (financial or spiritual) has to be hard?

We've been taught that when we're about to lose the job or car, we need start making a budget to accommodate a lost job or lost car and live into that.

We pray in earnest to just make it through and ask just for that.

Was survival guaranteed in this case or did we create this reality?

Why not just start making an alternate budget for thriving and pray in earnest for that when ish is going bad?

Who said this entrepreneurial journey has to be hard or self sacrificial?

Please understand that I’m not saying survival is wrong or that every entrepreneur's journey has to be the same but my spirit is not having it right now.

These questions are disturbing me so I’m sharing.

Who came up with these beliefs and can we know that this is true?

Why has no one ever taught us to be at home with pleasure and ease?

We’re more at ease with struggle and survival than we are with pleasure and ease.

We’re taught to endure suffering but no one ever teaches us how to enjoy pleasure and marinate in joy.

The focus is always on edurance, resilience and doing.

Shouldn't we be taught both - how to allow and be at peace with both suffering and pleasure?

How to survive and how to thrive?

To give and receive.

I feel like something is wrong with a society that teaches us to feel guilty about pleasure, rest and relaxation.

This is abnormal.

We need to start learning how to sit with feelings and sensations of joy and pleasure as much as we learn to sit with feelings and sensantions of pain and sadness.

We have to become as comfortable with joy and pleasure as we are with pain and suffering.

Click play on the video below to learn more about this topic

How are you keeping yourself in survival mode?

Share your insights in the comments section below.

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