Sri Lanka 2019 Retreat, Testimonial by Honey Makwakwa

Sri Lanka 2019 Retreat, Testimonial by Honey Makwakwa

I've been meaning to post for at least the last week or so. It's actually ridiculous how much I struggle with being on social media, in the sense that I just don't post! I wanted to share more of what I was doing in Sri Lanka.

My sister @VangileMakwakwa owns a company called #WealthyMoney and it came into being after she wrote the book *Heart, Mind & Money* in 2012. At one point this was the most stolen book in South Africa and it has sold out several editions. The book is about using emotional intelligence with money (the irony is not lost on me). Because it's never just about the money, it's all these other things. So that's what Wealthy Money became, a learning tool about all the things within us that affect our relationship with money. So, you start to do this work through this tool & you begin to see money is not just this earthly entity but an energy that vibrates on its own frequency and the course takes you to these places where you start to see how you block and self-sabotage around money. Like for instance, if you have a vow of loyalty to your mother and now you want to be a working woman but she was a housewife - and that's even why you want to work because you saw what not having an income did to your mom & you don't want that for yourself but in this journey, you find yourself self-sabotaging and you don't know why? These are the questions that the Wealthy Money course work of guided meditations helps us uncover so we can heal the wounds behind the vows of rebellion and loyalty that sometimes have us feeling like we don't know which direction we're actually taking in life. Okay but that still doesn't get us to Sri Lanka. So, what happened is that my sister @VangileMakwakwa created this online course and then this accompanying support group where students talk about what comes up. The group is an amazing sanctuary, but there was this need for a deeper connection. So, she started doing workshops. But the experience needed more time. And since @VangileMakwakwa is a nomad who lives in several countries per year, it made sense that she could host a retreat in a country that she was living in. The first #WealthyMoneyRetreat happened in Thailand in 2018 and the stories that the students shared from there were ground breaking! Then she came home in December and hosted some retreats at home in Mpumalanga & I attended one- after that I was hell bent that I would find a way to attend the Sri Lankan retreat! Cue amadlozi doing their thing and conspiring in my favor! As the content strategist for #WealthyMoney which is a company that has been growing steadily at the top of my client list since 2012, it only made sense that I should be present to document this second international retreat for the brand and for others to see what it is about. Then ((boom)) Vangile received guidance that I should hold space as a Sangoma & co-teacher at the retreat! Look. My blessings were aligning with me! So off we went to Sri Lanka and Good Lord did we do the work, we went into the ancestral to heal vows there, we went into the inner child to heal vows there, we went into past lives to heal and release vows there, work was done! Shifts were seen. And I've been quietly unpacking my aha moments ever since. I just posted the last of the videos I filmed in #SriLanka for #SangomaSociety but I haven't posted a single one of the travel segments I shot while I was there. In all honesty, I've been busier these last few weeks than I have been in a long time, and I'm generally a fairly busy person but since the retreat, it's intensified somewhat. I've called on help and I have been given the kindest assistance, anyeke ngikhale ngoba isimo sona siyangivuma. My dreams are chasing me down and I am doing all I can to meet them where I hoped to be as a person when they came to fruition. In the coming weeks I want to share more of my #traveldiary from Sri Lanka on my different platforms because I honestly enjoyed it. It was life changing for me because of the #WealthyMoneyRetreat and the people who call that island home. I'm so enriched from the experience. And I want to share it, and I would not be sharing that if I didn't share the #WealthyMoney course with you too. The course opens up for registration several times a year and is currently open to accept new students until the 5th of June. If you like the story about the retreat and you'd like to attend one. There will be another retreat later this year in Vietnam, but only enrolled Wealthy Money students are eligible to attend the retreats as the work that is done there would be traumatic to someone who hasn't already begun to do the work in their own lives.

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