Releasing Resistance & The Fear of Success — Wealthy Money Blog

Releasing Resistance & The Fear of Success


What if your vision scares the living Jesus out of you?

What if the thought of succeeding and making  your dreams a reality makes you want to run for the hills?


You’re moving out of your comfort zone and it's scary!

I often struggle with my desire to self-sabotage when I look at my life and the goals I've yet to achieve.

When I’m writing the vision, I’m excited and happy, but when it comes time to taking action, I can sometimes freeze and spend days, even weeks, procrastinating.

Procrastination is resistance; it's resistance to abundance, to getting out of my comfort zone and to allowing money into my life. 

There are days, when I can feel myself resisting the good that's coming into my life.

I can feel myself wanting to play small and curl up a corner when awesome stuff starts to happen.

My fear of success is wrapped up in my desire to play the victim and blame people in my past for my failure.

Every success chips away at my victim mentality, it forces me to own my power and take responsibility for my life. This is still a difficult process for me.


How to release resistance and let go of the fear of success


1. Use your body as a map


Your body is one of the most powerful tools you have at your disposal. And the body never lies.

Close your eyes.

Focus on your breathing, let your mind settle and slowly bring your awareness to your body.

Once your mind is settled and you’re present in your body, ask your guides or your subconscious mind to show you where the resistance to your vision sits in your body.

Don't react to the sensations that come up.

Bring your focus to where the sensation sits in your body and ask the following questions out loud:

  1. What emotion is causing this sensation?
  2. What thought is causing this emotion?
  3. What becomes possible for me and my life without this thought?

Let the answers come from your heart, not your head.

Sit with these questions until you can start see new possibilities and ways of being.


2. Meditate


Almost every enlightened teacher or Buddha has said the said the same thing through the centuries: if you want to release resistance - meditate.

Meditation helps us let go of the fear that's causing the resistance. All resistance is fear - fear of the unknown, fear of success, fear of our own greatness...


Let me know how it goes in the comments section below

Do you struggle with the fear of success?

How does the fear of success hold you back?

Let me know what comes up from this exercise and if you have any questions.

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