Money Can't Buy Inner Peace. Is This 100% True? — Wealthy Money Blog
 Money Can't Buy Inner Peace. Is This 100% True?

Money Can't Buy Inner Peace. Is This 100% True?


1. "Money can't buy you inner peace"
2. "Money can't buy you good health"
3. "Money can't buy you love"
4. "Money can't buy you happiness"

How often have we heard these statements in our lives?

I've been pondering some of them for the last few weeks.

And wondering if any of these are true?

Also why can't we have both inner peace and money?

Money and good health?

Money and love?

Having money doesn't mean we can't have love, friends, great relationships, inner peace?

What if having money actually enhances all these other things?

And again are any of these above statements 100% true?


This statement implies that you don't need money to have inner peace, which is true.

But (and this is a big but), I keep going back to this statement and I keep remembering how the lack of money and financial turmoil literally made me sick.

I have seen how money can affect our state of mind and peace.

I keep thinking how I never had less inner peace than when I was broke and in debt.

I was anxious, worried, stressed out of my freaking mind and unable to focus on anything but money.

I obsessed about money all the time.

I was unable to sleep at night because I was too busy having panic attacks about money.

I was unable to fully focus on conversations because I was thinking about bills I owed.

Not feeling comfortable at lunch or dinner with friends because I was worried I didn't have enough money to pay for my meal.

I was the furthest thing from inner peace and money was the reason (or so I thought at the time).

Ironically I had to first learn to master my mind and find my version of inner peace and only then did my finances change.


Oh the irony!!!

Having less financial stress freed me up to actually focus on my inner work without freaking out that everything would fall apart because I needed that time to do work and hustle.

How many times have we foregone a yoga class, therapy, meditation retreat or a church trip because we thought it was too expensive?

Or had to work an extra shift or overtime to cover it, which translated as less time with family or friends?

Money can be the deciding factor in such moments.

Changing my relationship with money actually bought me more time to do the inner work and increase my inner peace.

I got time to explore my own spirituality.

Changing my relationship with money also gave me the opportunity to hire coaches and go on yoga and meditation retreats in different countries.

This helped me dig deep and start healing my trauma and forgiving the past, which ironically is imperative to inner peace.

This actually healed my relationship with money even more.

So money may not buy inner peace but it can give us the time and resources we need to find said peace. And even do the things we deem spiritually important.

Money affects so many aspects of our lives, can we afford to keep pretending it doesn't matter?

Can we pretend it can't buy intangible things?

Can we keep fooling ourselves into believing this?

Share your insights in the comment section below.

Release anxiety around money

Breathwork meditation to release fear, anxiety and/or overwhelm.

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