4 Quick Life Hacks to Help You Financially in 2021 and Beyond — Wealthy Money Blog
4 Quick Life Hacks to Help You Financially in 2021 and Beyond

4 Quick Life Hacks to Help You Financially in 2021 and Beyond

Collaborative Post


As we pick up the pieces of the last year, you may be looking forward to returning to work, school, or even traveling. 

Yes, we’re slowly getting back to a new normal with the rollout of vaccines and the reopening of society. 

However, why not use this pivotal moment in your life to help yourself and your family financially. 

That’s why I’ve put together a few life hacks that will help you not only now but beyond 2021.

1. Stop emotionally spending money

We all need to buy things like food, shelter, transportation, and essential items. 

However, we all buy a lot of things that we don’t need. Many of these items are luxuries whether for ourselves or our family members in hopes of impressing others. 

You can probably relate to purchasing something that you saw on television or your social media feed. 

It certainly wasn’t in your budget, but you did it anyway. The first step in fixing this is to get clear on your values, your budget and to check your bank statement often and make sure that your values and your spending habits are aligned.

For other tips to stop emotional spending, read this amazing article. 

2. Stay-Cations and Adventures Close to Home

After a year of sheltering in place around the world, cancelled celebrations, and postponed travel plans, we’re all itching to get back out there. 

However, many of us don’t feel comfortable going too far or taking mass-transportation. A great way to save money this year and beyond is to take stay-cations (I’ve been doing this a lot in Sri Lanka).

Did you know that many accommodations, tours, and restaurants have discounts for local patrons? 

And, you don’t have to go far to experience something new. Have you tried kayaking, horseback riding, or even riding a Segway? 

As a bonus, by taking adventures close to home you are saving the planet by being more green as well as saving your pocketbook money too. 

What’s great is by traveling fewer miles or kilometers you can travel more frequently. 

There are also multiple benefits to adding adventure often to your life. Watch this TEDx talk about why you should head for adventure.

3. Shop Around for the Best Services and Products
In our fast society, when purchases can be made from your phone while in your car or at home, sometimes we rush making choices on purchases. 

With many sponsored ads, videos, and pop-ups flooding our technology devices, it’s wise to shop around for the best products whether cars, 4x4 wheels, or insurance. 

You work hard for your money. It’s easy to forget that effort when we just swipe a credit card. 

4. Pay More than the Minimum on Your Credit Cards

Many people have a handful of credit cards. Some are useful for the cashback benefits. Others are great because of their interest rate. 

However, many of us, countless of us, use our credit cards to excess and end up with multiple bills, each asking for a minimum payment. That makes the bill-paying easy, but your debt lasts longer, which means you’ll end up paying more money to the bank over time. 

So, stop paying only the minimum. For more ways to eliminate debt, take a look at this article. 

By implementing one or all four of these quick life hacks, you can help yourself and your family financially in 2021 and beyond. 

I know that the last year has been tough on a lot of people. However, there is no better time than 2021 to learn from old mistakes and improve our finances.

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