Increased Support Leads to Increased Success — Wealthy Money Blog
Increased Support Leads to Increased Success

There’s nothing like having people who ask you – “how can I help you reach your business goals today” and then go all out and help you reach those goals.

This is why I am often part of business masterminds, have a team for Wealthy Money, the #MoneyMagic student group and course (I am a student of my work), I have different coaches for different aspects of my life, a fitness trainer and even a chef.

Yes, it costs money but I have seen my income 10x by investing in these support structures.

I’ve seen how it has freed up my time so I can focus on the things that really matter in my business and life. 

My family and friends provide a different type of support and it really isn't their job to hold my dreams and help me grow my business, because they have their own dreams to chase and businesses to build.

Also expansion requires a different type of support, especially because I am not here to work more than 4 hours a day on my business.

I am here to expand all of myself, which means my spirit, physical and emotional well being matter.

I’ve done the hustle and it was a slow growth process for me and traumatic for my soul.

I mark myself absent from hustling. Give me sunsets and sleep please.

That sense of support and feeling of connection has been so critical to all the things I’ve done throughout the years – revamping Wealthy Money Academy, creating the Next Level You Journal, writing and sharing The Holistic Wealth Manifesto, getting a virtual assistant, etc.

All this makes sense because according to research when women are stressed, they produce estrogen which increases oxytocin levels which leads us to look for connection, which is why having a tribe that really gets where we are is so key for women’s success.

Do you have a support system that will help you in reaching your goals?

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