How To Release Vows Of Poverty


Last year I started going to past life regression sessions.

I’ve been meaning to share my experience on past life regression for a while now, but I was nervous because it would make me look too woo woo.

I’m over my nerves. 


Why past life regression?


Past life regression is when you get hypnotized to go into your past lives, your lives before this life.

I’ve always (since I was 6 years old) had a sense of having lived before and have often seen some of my other lives during meditation.

Most of my incredible breakthroughs in meditation, come when I “slip” into other life times. These experiences always change everything for me.

Last year, June 2014, I hit a roadblock – I kept feeling this deep sense of guilt about my success - how great Wealthy Money was doing and how on track I was with my goals.

Every time I sent an invoice to a client, I could feel the guilt in mychest and stomach.

I was also having a very hard time telling people my fees and charging my worth.

Worse, I could see how this guilt was impacting my finances – I started playing small and rejecting business opportunities because I just wanted to stop feeling guilty.

I was really upset because I thought I’d worked through this stuff before, but here it was again.

And honestly, I just didn't want to sit with it and explore it further.

I kept thinking: “This guilt, feels too intense to be from just one life time. And if that’s the case, my past lives are impacting my finances in this life time.”

That’s when I decided to go for a regression session.


Releasing vows of poverty and service that keep us financially stuck       


My first past life regression session turned me into a fanatic and a believer.

I was hypnotized into various life times where I saw myself involved in different spiritual practices – taking vows of service (work without pay) and poverty.

I saw myself taking the vows and saying, “not even death can break these vows.”

What followed was a very interesting session where I called on light beings to help me release these vows and I can’t really explain what happened because an hour later everything changed.

In today’s vlog, I share my experience on past life regression and old vows.


Click on the video to learn more:


What happened after the session?


The guilt disappeared about an hour after my session, which allowed me to stay on track with my financial goals and pay off my debts 2 years ahead of schedule.

I've since had tons more sessions where I’ve learned so much about life and myself.

I’ve also received loads of clarity about my business, my finances, my purpose and how to fulfill said purpose.

Another interesting thing: a minute after one of these sessions; I heard a message about my fiction novel, the characters in it and am now in the middle of writing a novel.

I’m going to be doing more sessions this year to explore my relationships or lack there of.


What do you think about past lives?

I look forward to hearing your feedback in the comments section below. 




My life coach that I’ve been working with since the start of my financial journey, has launched her Fresh Start Online Course to help people turn their life around and achieve incredible breakthroughs.

In honor of the launch she’s offering weekly webinars, daily support via her Facebook group and one on one coaching with people for the entire 28 days of the course.

Because of the hands on experience, this is a one-time offer and the offer expires on Friday, February 20th.

You can also RECEIVE a 30% DISCOUNT if you email her directly at: jo [at] kalavati [dot] org and tell her you were referred by me.

I’m taking the eCourse because I know her stuff works – I have seen it in my own life and she’s still my coach after 4 years.

I invite you to check out the course, email Jo and sign up.

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