How are You Limiting the Divine and Your Own Expansion? — Wealthy Money Blog
 How are You Limiting the Divine and Your Own Expansion?

How are You Limiting the Divine and Your Own Expansion?

I am reminded of a time in 2020, when I was living in Sri Lanka at the height of Covid and I took a week long getaway to the mountains. 

I started my getaway at #Singharaja Forest, where the views were stunning but the venue wasn’t soo great. 

There were so many issues, one of which was cleanliness, which is problematic for me because dirt is my pet hate, but the other hard issue was that they didn't have wi-fi.

But the food and views were epic. 

I asked one of my friends, Mangala, to come along and enjoy the views but on our first and only night there we found ourselves dealing with cleanliness drama. We didn’t even feel comfortable walking on the floor because it wasn’t clean.


I spent the first few hours complaining about the state of the venue and how that venue cost me more per night than my stay at Amaya (a 5 star hotel that gives me an insane discount) because of N K Lanka

In the middle of a conversation, I looked at Mangala and said: "Why are we tolerating this? Why are we saying yes to something both of us don't like just because we like the views and the food?" 

"Amaya has a hotel in the mountains in Kandy and we have transport. Let's check out and go there. I am gonna ask Nimal to get us a great rate. They have views and great food as well. So why are we willing to" stick out" another 5 nights here?"

So then Mangala says," I feel like this is a lesson from the universe."

What we say No to, is as important as what we say Yes to 

I’ve been reflecting on this a lot lately because I feel like the universe drummed the lesson home with that experience.

I have this habit of accepting things because...well, it's not so bad, at least I get XYZ with this and maybe I won't get that at the next place/relationship.

I used to have this habit of being willing to be uncomfortable because of whatever little crumbs I got from a situation or a person.

But that day I saw it and I decided - No! I am done with this! 

I had soo many options of epic venues in Sri Lanka so why was I willing to tolerate a dirty place just because the views and the building were epic?

I kept telling the universe I wanted one thing and then I accepted something sorta kinda. I accepted something close but not quite because deep down I believed this was the best I could do or get or be given.


I am not a tree, I can move. I can change my mind. 

So what if that venue was not what I wanted,  I could ask for something different and epic at any point on the journey.

So we left for Kandy the very next day. 

Just because we’re given something, we don't have to take it or make it work if it's not what we truly want.

What we say no to, is as important as what we say yes to.

When I say no to a relationship, it is me setting a boundary and starting to define what I want.

I’m letting the universe know what’s not acceptable so I can get what I really want. 

When I say no to a client because they’re not honoring our agreement, it’s me telling the universe what clients I want.

I decided then to start being aware of how I limit the universe with my thinking: “this is as good as it can get or this is the best I can do.” With anything in my life.

The Divine is vast and I am no longer willing to be the limitation. 

If you’re tired of shrinking yourself and limiting your dreams to make people feel comfortable around you and you’re feeling ready to create a consistent stream of income of R40,000/US$2,500 or more a month, then check out and register for the #MoneyMagic course at the link below.

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