How to Deal With Financial Pressure from Family — Wealthy Money Blog

How to Deal With Financial Pressure from Family

A few days ago I was invited by Cape Talk to do a radio interview about Family and Money.

I was asked to discuss how young South Africans can cope with the financial burdens of looking after extended family members.


Click below to listen to the interview



PS: Women changing the world

I was recently asked to be part of a speaker series run by one of my friends, Tina Kelly, in California, LA titled “Women Changing the World!”

Tia’s doing a series of video interviews with women that she thinks are changing the world in incredible ways and I was honoured be listed as one of these women, especially after seeing her line up.

Changing the world for the better is a HUGE motivator in my life, so I’m super excited to share my story in this incredible speaker series!

I’d like to invite you to learn more about all these other incredible women by registering for the series

------> Click here to register

The goal: to help ignite flames of positive encouragement under your respective bottoms and to support you to find your courage, to step up to use your own unique voice, gifts and talents to change the world in ways that are important to you!

It’s going to get you totally inspired, have you touching base with your heart centered authentic voice, and contributing in ways that fill your life with Joy and purpose!

And you’ll be surprised to learn that changing the world is actually as easy as 1 2 3 when you listening to you’re heart, because the world can’t help but listen when you do!

------> Click here to register

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