How Financial Karma and The Law Of Reciprocity Affect Our Income — Wealthy Money Blog
How Financial Karma and The Law Of Reciprocity Affect Our Income

How Financial Karma and The Law Of Reciprocity Affect Our Income


One of the things I had to do in addition to releasing my vow of invisibility, was to own how I make others invisible.

And how I force others to dim their light or shun people who shine brightly.

For example:

*When I started in business, I used to be one of those people who didn’t want to support coaches that I saw growing and doing the things I wished to do.

*I used to feel some type of way when people shared their victories and be silently envious that they were doing well.

*I’d also secretly want people around me to shrink and stay small and not really grab opportunities. And start to distance myself from well performing friends.

*I’d verbally support my friends to look good but in my heart, it didn’t feel so good. So I wouldn't easily share knowledge I knew would benefit them because I needed us to be on the same wave length because I didn’t believe I could do what they were doing.

So of course when I found myself shrinking and shrinking in relationships because the people around me were demanding the same of me, I had to pause and look at where I was doing the same - not overtly but in my heart and energetically.

Everyone that's in our lives is a mirror of who we are. Their behavior towards us is a mirror.

I had to do some shadow meditations (in the Money Magic course) to accept that part of me so I could heal it.

All of this is human. It’s not good or bad, it just is what it is.

This applies to money as well: how people treat us with money, is a reflection of how we treat others with money

When I was working on my first company, Speak 2B Free, I used to ask people to work for free, in return for equity (shares) in the company.

I’d learned during my MBA program, that this was a good way to get people to work in your company and to earn big when the company eventually grew and became super profitable.

I got a great team together and they all worked for equity, but something interesting happened - I couldn’t get anyone to pay for the company’s services and I couldn’t get anyone to hire me for money.

When people did hire me for money, it took them forever to pay.

I had no clue what was going on.

But when I started doing the inner work around money, I made the simple decision that everyone I hired to work for Wealthy Money would get paid. If their services were too expensive, I wouldn’t hire them.

The key thing was to honor everyone’s pricing and not have anyone working for free.

If I found coaches I liked, I wouldn’t just use their services for free, I would find a way to buy their products or to hire them.

At the time, I didn’t understand why I made this decision, I just knew that I didn’t want free things any more. I used to love free things but the more I healed my money story, the less they appealed to me.

I thank whatever deity got me to make this decision, because my experience of getting paid for my products and services in Wealthy Money, has been completely different.

The first thing people ask me when they reach out to me when they need help is:” What are your prices? How can I work with you at X budget?”

I rarely struggle with non payment from clients or students. [Touch wood]

I’ve also seen how when I delay paying my bills, my clients also delay paying me.

I have come to realize that there is such a thing as money karma.

This is why I also stress about the importance of paying back debt and paying when we said we would.

Often as entrepreneurs we complain that clients are not paying and are defaulting, the question to ask ourselves in that moment is:

"How are these clients reflecting me in my finances? Who am I not paying?"

If it's one or two clients, not a problem but if it’s 30% or more of your clients, then this question is definitely worth exploring.

This why I am so big on honoring your debts.

I can't stress this enough: we can only attract the jobs or clients that reflect us.

This life is a feedback loop and it doesn't help to fight against the feedback.

We tend to attract people who have the same relationship with money that we do

Another example, of this is how my apartment in Cape Town got renovated in April 2019.

In December 2018, I decided to renovate my mom’s house and turn it into a guest house/ retreat center. I funded the renovations and managed the process.

When I finished with the renovations I sat down and asked the universe for help with renovating my apartment in Strand.

My issue was: time - I knew that I was going to spend my 2019 in Morocco and Asia and honestly couldn’t see how renovations in Cape Town fitted into this schedule.

I shared my issues with my family and friends and tried to find a solution. In the end I gave up.

A few days later, I received an email, from one of the Wealthy Money newsletter subscribers based in Stellenbosch, she told me she’d heard that I was looking to renovate my apartment (we have no friends in common, so she must heard it in the ether) and thought she could help manage the process.

I agreed to meet with her in Strand and as the say the rest is history because within a space of 60 days, we redesigned and completely renovated the apartment and found tenants to rent it.

She managed the whole process from start to finish whilst I was hosting the Wealthy Money Retreats in Sri Lanka and when she couldn’t get hold of me, she used her own money to fund the project (of course, I paid her back for that).

Call me crazy, but I believe that this was the law of reciprocity at play - I renovated my mom’s house, and in return, I got someone to help me renovate my apartment.

Click play watch the video below and learn more

How do you think your financial karma is playing out in your finances?

Can you think of ways that the law of reciprocity has worked in your favor?

Share your insights in the comments section below.

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