Changing our relationship with money by focusing on pleasure and fun — Wealthy Money Blog
Changing our Relationship with Money by Focusing on Pleasure and Fun

Changing our Relationship with Money by Focusing on Pleasure and Fun


In this week's #MoneyMagic series, I sit down to chat with Musa Mathole, who describes herself as a mom and a wife, but also a soul on a journey. 

Musa is a treasury accountant by profession and started to realize that there was more to her money journey when her professional financial knowledge wasn't translating into her personal finances. 

She found that she could manage millions at work and help the company invest and grow its money, but when it came to her finances, it was a challenge and the old ways of budgeting weren't working. 

When she joined the Bank Account Challenge, she learned about budgeting differently - she learned the importance of spending according to your values. 

And when she joined the #MoneyMagic course she learned about the importance of prioritising pleasure and how this was the key to changing our financial habits. 

Of course, this is the opposite of what we've been taught about money, but she shares how as she healed and allowed herself to have fun with money, her relationship with money changed, to the point where she hasn't worked in over a year and yet her family financials haven't been affected. 

Musa also shared how she and her husband are teaching their children how to invest in shares so that they know there are other ways to make money and build wealth. And how she's been using some of the course meditations with her children. 

This is such an insightful episode on money and imparting our values around money to our children. 

Click play on the video below to learn more and leave a comment below. 

In this week's #MoneyMagic series, I sit down to chat with Musa Mathole, who describes herself as a mom and a wife, but also a soul on a journey. Musa is a t...

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♦️ Being scared of what people will say and how they will respond when they find out the truth about your finances

♦️ Playing small and shrinking yourself

♦️ Working hard but not seeing the financial results of your work

♦️ Always ending up at the same financial point no matter what you do

♦️ Not being able to set clear financial boundaries

♦️ Having brilliant money ideas you cannot execute

Then I invite you to check out and register for the Money Magic course.


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