A Night Out on the City During the Thailand 2019 Retreat

A Night Out on the City During the Thailand 2019 Retreat

Last night we had a night on the town and the retreatants for to explore the night market and do some shopping

During the retreat they got their element chart reading - they found out what the main element in their body and their bones are.

It's like an astrology reading (they use your birth date and time of birth) but for the body.

You learn if you are earth, fire, water or wind. You have 2 elements and these elements will influence your health, productivity levels, emotional reactions, mental processes etc.

So based on your element reading and your diagnosis from the massage therapist, you can start to understand the optimum food for your body, when you should rest, how you deal with emotions and life and the best herbs for you as well and the best exercise for you.

And even the diseases you are likely to get at a very specific age. It can be uber accurate.

So armed with all that knowledge, Wanvisa took the retreatants to a herbal shop and they got all the supplies they needed to heal.

And then Keidra King and I took them to the Sunday market which is a night market that has everything you can imagine and spans blocks and blocks.

It has been an epic retreat.

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    Thailand 2019 Retreat, Day 5

    Thailand 2019 Retreat, Day 5