All in Finding the Miracle in Everyday

Being In Survival Mode & Healing the Beggar Archetype

"Beware of those that can only love you in your brokenness and can only connect with you through suffering.

They will make you fall in love with your pain and eventually your anger and your sadness will become a prison.

Pain and struggle can be a prison...allow yourself to explore who you are beyond these walls.

Allow yourself to evolve and dream. Your expansion lies in the ability to dream."

That was a message from my higher self in early 2019 and I keep coming back to this message because it reminds me to give myself permission to evolve and thrive.

The Paradox of Becoming vs Doing In Order to Achieve Our Financial Goals

I spent years being too scared to dream and too scared to ask the universe or life for new things and new experiences.

I believed that the only way too get out of debt and be financially savvy was to eliminate all my desires and stop wanting things, because having a desire or wanting something meant spending money.

I believed the only way to become debt free was to eliminate all my wants and desires and to stop feeling my needs.

Or to deny all my needs.

Besides, I seemed incapable of achieving any financial goal I set for myself.

Why Some People Get What They Ask For & Others Struggle

“Why does it seem like other people get what they ask for and I just struggle?”

That’s a question I received a few months ago in my inbox.

The question refers to the #AskTuesday discussions that I run in the Wealthy Money Magicians Facebook group.

In the group, people ask the universe for their heart’s desires and then give feedback on #WinningWednesday.

Some people have wild breakthroughs and get what they ask for with ease and speed, whilst some people struggle to get what they want, which can be really frustrating.

I sometimes fall into the group that struggles to get what they want but I’ve learned to just trust the journey and relax.