All in Healing Ancestral Money Trauma
One of the things I keep learning on my journey is to allow myself not to know and to have compassion with my learning process.
The truth is a lot of things that are normal to most people were hard for me, especially when it comes to money and business.
Healing is a process and we expand as we heal and peel the layers.
The expansion and the joy all happens side by side with the healing.
There is this pressure to just be healed, like healing is a destination you arrive at and the ish falls into place.
One day we need to unpack how consistently feeling powerless and helpless impacts the nervous system and can lead to traumatic stress, which eventually overwhelms the nervous system.
How so many of us watched our parents, grandparents and other adults around us feel powerless with money, especially when there wasn't enough or because they were dependent on others for their finances.
I've had to work through various layers of vows of invisibility and loyalty in this plane and the spiritual plane because expanding financially or business wise leads to more visibility, which feels unsafe for me.
One of the things I keep learning on this money journey is to allow myself not to know and to have compassion with my learning process.
The truth is a lot of things that are normal to most people were hard for me, especially when it comes to money.
One of my friends said something to me this week that still has me shook, she said:
"White people today, especially the most oppressive, are exactly their ancestors' wildest dreams."