Mexico works on relationships in a way I have never seen.
When I say almost all activities have required me to go in person, get on WhatsApp and chat, ask for recommendations etc. All in Spanish, I mean it.
Mexico works on relationships in a way I have never seen.
When I say almost all activities have required me to go in person, get on WhatsApp and chat, ask for recommendations etc. All in Spanish, I mean it.
If you haven’t heard about these vows, no worries, I was also taught about them in a past life regression session by my guides and then given clear instructions on how to help people heal these vows.
One day we’ll have to sit down for a full day and unpack vicarious trauma and how most children who grow up seeing mothers being abused by fathers, fathers being abused by mothers or parents being abused by other family members financially, emotionally, mentally and physically grow up with deep vows of loyalty to the parent (s) who were abused.
In this week’s podcast we talk to Tinyiko Motileni, who has 3 businesses, one of which is a property business. She also has a Master’s in Business Leadership. She shares how to build a real estate portfolio using intuition and ancestral wisdom.
A few years ago, I had a call with Dr Venus and I learned that she charged US$20 000 to coach people (I think her fees may have gone up now).
Up until then, I’d never met a coach, let alone a Black coach that charged that much and I couldn't understand who would pay that much for coaching or masterminds.
In this week podcast we talk to Zoliswa (Zoe) Singcu, a mother of two and world traveler who is originally from Port Elizabeth (PE), South Africa and is currently working in Saudi Arabia as a Medical Technologist. She shares the importance of understanding your reasons why when investing in property.