Episode 101: Understanding and Healing Money Karma

She delves into the concept of financial karma and alignment, sharing her struggles with debt and how her behavior and broken promises contributed to her financial woes. She emphasizes the necessity of aligning thoughts, words, and deeds to create positive financial outcomes. By borrowing money without repaying and breaking commitments, she attracted similar negative behaviors from others, which perpetuated her cycle of debt. 

Episode 100: Healing the Mother Wound: A Conversation with Moshitadi Lehlomela

She discusses her work as a mother wound recovery coach and her experiences with the mother wound. She shares that she realized she had a mother wound at university and how therapy helped her understand the impact of her relationship with her mother on her mental health. She defines the mother wound as trauma resulting from inadequate mothering, which can include neglect, abandonment, and abuse.

Episode 99: Connecting with the Spirit of Money: From Barter to Bitcoin

She delves into the history of money, explaining how it has evolved from the barter system to the use of shells, metals, coins, and eventually paper money backed by governments. She highlights the changes in human consciousness and economic systems over time, leading to the current fiat money system and the emerging cryptocurrency. She also introduces the concept of the spirit of money and money archetypes, which have evolved alongside these monetary systems, reflecting different roles and relationships with money throughout history.